Unconditional Freedom is an organization determined to create massive change within the United States' prison system by introducing a new model for prisons called The Prison Monastery. This radical concept is meant to restore the penitentiary to its roots; a place to contemplate and meaningfully contribute to society while incarcerated.
Christina speaks with the organization's Director, Kate Feigin, who has made it her life's work to transform prisons from the inside, and Nancy Coleman who directs The Art of Soulmaking. This program teaches prison residents contemplative practices, along with meditation and yoga. Every student is paired with a volunteer to correspond with by mail as they journey through the course.
The transformation of a prison involves everyone: the incarcerated, law enforcement, correctional officers, and communities.
To learn more about Unconditional Freedom, The Prison Monastery Program, The Art of Soulmaking or if you'd like to volunteer please visit: unconditionalfreedom.org
Become a Prison Pen Pal through Unconditional Freedom
Written and produced by Christina Hansen
Additional production and sound editing by Jason Sissoyev
If you or someone you know has a story to share or if you'd like to drop me a note, send an email to: pennedpodcast@gmail.com