This is the 3rd Podcast of the series on Sales & Marketing - The Success Mantra.
Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtbV_0MtP90&t=16s
Blog Link: https://beyondobvious.in/the-success-mantra-s-m/
1. How to achieve Customer Intimacy.
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSK8GG6aynM&t=8s
Blog Link: https://beyondobvious.in/2019/11/03/5-ways-to-achieve-good-customer-intimacy/
This is the First aspect of the 5 Aspects I help you in to achieve Strong Position as a Sales & Marketing Person.
2. 5 Ways to Increase Sensory Intelligence.
Blog Link: https://beyondobvious.in/2020/02/09/5-ways-to-build-a-strong-sensory-intelligence/
This is the Second Aspect to Sales & Marketing - The Success Mantra.
In this podcast I discuss 5 simple steps on increasing the sensory intelligence so you can collect all the important information about customers from all the indirect means. This information can help you build Marketing Strategy. This can also help develop Market Segmentation.
This part of Market Intelligence will help you with strong information collection while on your visits to Customers or while you are discussing on the customer information or similar aspects of the same.
Also you may like my Podcasts, Videos & Articles on the Disruptions that will hit the Manufacturing Industry in coming year:
Change is coming, Are you ready?
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZOrUUOLKHo&t=15s