After 2 month hiatus, HTBAL is back. GG discusses world events, reveals the Loser of the Week, discusses his family life, counts down this episode's Top Ten list, and is joined by former POTUS Donald J. Trump, who continues to spread his clams about election fraud and tremendous crowds the likes of which the world has never seen. He also talks about what kind of woman he prefers to force himself on to. This weeks Loser of the Week is obviously Derrek Chauvin. The Top 10 list is my 10 favorite numbers between 1 and 10. Mad props to Marshmello, Violent Femmes, Static X, 2Pac and Sublime for allowing me "to borrow" some of their kickass jams to transition into segments. (All characters are fictional and/or parodies, including that of Donald Trump.) Neither Mountain Dew or PepsiCo sponsor this podcast.