Today on the podcast I am excited to have Anna Sakawsky, creator of www.thehouseandhomestead.com as well as the editor of Homestead Living magazine. Anna and her family live in the middle of Vancouver Island and have maximized their homesteading space on a smallish piece of land and have made it their mission to inspire others to start homesteading right where they are and with whatever they have. Anna's passion for her family and the homesteading lifestyle they have created are infectious. Make sure you check out the show notes at lakejoyfarmstead.com/podcast-anna SHOW NOTES
- What is Anna and families back story? How did you get to Vancouver Island?
- How did you get started (and why) with your homestead and that way of life?
- When communicating your story/message what would you describe as your specialty/focus? What would your 'elevator speech' sound like?
- What makes your homestead website and classes different from other homesteaders? What makes yours unique?
- What is it like in Canada/Vancouver Island specifically when homesteading? Weather? Landscape? Openness (or not) of community? How is this way of life being received there?
- You have a membership and courses. Tell us about them. What will we find?
- You had your own magazine. Tell us about that and what transitions have been made in that space.