Hey followers! Want to dance more at milongas? Then you don't want to miss this episode. My returning guest today is tango author and personality Dimitris Bronowski... Links to the book, HOW TO DANCE MORE IN MILONGAS: English version: https://thecurioustanguero.com/how-to-dance-more-in-milongas-book/ Spanish: https://thecurioustanguero.com/como-bailar-mas-en-una-milonga-el-libro/ A fun tango newsletter full of tango tips and typos: thecurioustanguero.com Resources for shy tangueras, tango checklists for events, gifts for your sweaty partner and more: thecurioustanguero.com/wwwdresources Online course here: https://thecurioustanguero.com/complete-wwd-course-wr To get free access, simply subscribe to thecurioustanguero.com newsletter and respond to the first email saying you heard the podcast and want access to the course.