Molfo is still gone, and this time you'll have to endure Matteo babbling one hour and a half about how to appraise a game setup (or at least, how he does it), how to pick a faction, and then a thorough review of his decisions.
And yes, it's a Bal T'Aks game. Life's weird, huh?
Here's the game: https://www.boardgamers.space/game/IWantThisToBeHARD
While you wait for the next episode, come play with us (Molfo and El Temblo) on BGS: https://www.boardgamers.space.
You can also find us on our brand new dedicated channel, within the Gaia Project "Fight" Club Discord: https://discord.com/channels/693041156698669057/921351801259843605
Feedback and contact: paiagroject@gmail.com
Theme song by Paranoixx: https://www.beatstars.com/titoc06/feed