Sarah and Jason discuss Vayechi, the twelfth portion of the Torah, which concludes the story of Joseph and Jacob, and also concludes the book of Genesis! Why do Jacob’s sons have such diverse personalities? Why are there so many deceptions going on with this family? Where’d the women go in the stories? And what are our favorite stories looking back at the book of Genesis?
Check out the chapters below:
(0:00) Introduction
(1:24) Portion Summary
(11:51) Discussion Begins - The Diverse Tribes of Israel
(20:22) Jacob and his Deceptions
(23:53) Where’d the Women Go?
(27:40) Honoring Promises
(31:04) Reflecting on Genesis - Our favorite stories
(34:28) Our “Most Powerful” Story
(37:21) Our Favorite Characters
(41:25) Sponsorship and Wrap-Up