Sarah and Jason discuss Miketz, the tenth portion of the Torah, which covers the story of Joseph’s ascension to be Pharoah’s right hand man after interpreting his dreams, and some visits from Joseph’s brothers. How would we have interpreted Pharoah’s dream? Was Joseph’s approach to preparing for the famine the best way to do it? What is Joseph planning to do with Benjamin? And how does AI interpret Pharoah’s dream?
Check out the chapters below:
(0:00) Introduction
(2:19) Portion Summary
(10:40) Discussion Begins - Pharoah’s Dream
(21:02) Preparing for the famine
(28:14) Joseph’s plan for his brothers
(31:49) Forgoing Revenge
(35:55) Weekly Take-aways
(36:56) Sponsorship and Wrap-Up
(37:44) AI Interprets Pharoah’s Dream