In this episode, I chat with Mubanga Kalimamukwento, attorney, editor, and author of Obligations to the Wounded.
Mubanga shares the cure for writers' block, how she manages being a lawyer and creative writer, and how to write from dreams. We also go into an extensive conversation on Mubanga's forthcoming short story collection, Obligations to the Wounded.
- Fun questions to get to know Mubanga (Find out if she prefers writing by hand to typing!)
- Mubanga reflects on the first time she felt pleased with her writing
- Mubanga's journey from litigation to creative writing
- Starting a literary magazine and writing masterclass
- Getting creative ideas
- The cure for writers' block
- Discussions on Obligations to the Wounded
- A word to her younger self
Guest’s links
Visit Mubanga's website: https://www.mubangakalimamukwento.com/home
Find out about Ubwali Literary Magazine: https://www.ubwali.com/
Find out about Ubwali Masterclass: https://www.ubwali.com/ubwali-masterclass
Follow Mubanga on X: https://x.com/utushimitwandi?s=21&t=GLRRSdbhoZNPfjfGWHvv4g
Host’s links
Find out more about the show: http://www.wordcaps.com/journey-of-the-art/
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