How do you measure success? At the height of her career, Laura-Mai Edwards successfully climbed the corporate ladder to Chief of Staff for Reuters Editorial. Destination complete. Or so she thought. In fact, her journey was only just beginning as her mental health hit rock bottom.
Today Laura-Mai is the founder of Root Beginnings, offering mind-body coaching, seasonal workshops and retreats.
During this episode I quite literally take a deep breath and slow things down with Laura-Mai. We talk about her childhood, connecting with nature, seasons and the rhythm of life, braving the wilderness and committing to who you want to be, I’m also introduced to the beautiful concept of a Life Garden. So, if you’re feeling uprooted, it’s time to tune in and get grounded.
I spent much of this conversation with my eyes closed… meandering. Take a listen and you’ll understand why - enjoy the show!
Connect with Laura-Mai: https://www.rootbeginnings.co.uk
December Wellness Workshop: https://www.rootbeginnings.co.uk/workshops
Our sponsors for this week's episode are:
Root Beginnings: https://www.rootbeginnings.co.uk
Somatic Habit: https://www.somatichabit.co.uk
Connect with Jo:
December Networking link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/how-does-she-do-it-networking-surrey-december-tickets-1022366675247?aff=erelpanelorg
Connect with me on my website How DOES She Do it?: https://howdoesshedoit.life
Email me to book a 1:1 Discovery call:
Follow me on Instagram to continue the conversation and get updates about the podcast: https://www.instagram.com/howdoesshedoitlife/