Daily Updates of tasks and things we learn along the way to building wealth and wisdom. Life of a CEO style podcast before we make it big. Cliff Notes: Inspired from Napoleon Hill's, Think and Grow Rich book. He introduces a six-step method for turning desire into reality: The Six Steps: 1. Define Your Goal: Be specific about what you want to achieve (e.g., a specific amount of money). 2. Determine What You’re Willing to Give: Decide what sacrifices or efforts you are willing to make in exchange for achieving your goal. 3. Set a Definite Deadline: Specify a date by which you intend to achieve your goal. 4.Create a Plan: Develop a concrete plan for achieving your goal and begin acting on it immediately, even if you don’t feel fully prepared. 5. Write It Down: Write a clear statement of your goal, including the amount, deadline, what you’ll give in return, and your action plan. 6. Read It Aloud Daily: Read your written statement aloud twice daily—once in the morning and once before bed. Visualize and believe in the achievement of your goal as you read it.