Are UN processes failing? The Australian Centre for Space Governance is proud to announce part two of the "Space Security is Here and Now" podcast series. Continuing from part one, we speak with internationally recognised experts Victoria Samson (Secure World Foundation), Jessica West (Project Ploughshares), Almudena Azcárate Ortega (UNIDIR), and Sarah Erickson (UNIDIR). They offer a detailed breakdown of global efforts to promote responsible behaviours in outer space, the pivotal role of the UN General Assembly, and the challenges faced by the Open-Ended Working Group in fostering inclusive diplomatic discussions. Key issues explored in this episode include the escalating concerns surrounding civilian infrastructure in space, the risks posed by non-kinetic activities such as cyber interference and electronic jamming, and the broader implications of space debris. We'll also discuss recent developments surrounding Russia's potential development of a nuclear weapon in space and the implications for global security. Despite these formidable challenges, there's cautious optimism, as our guests emphasise the progress being made in fostering international cooperation and advancing space governance. 🎧 In these contentious times, with varying capabilities and interests among states, we are fortunate to draw on the wealth of knowledge from our internationally recognised experts. This episode offers deep insights into space security, the institutional frameworks in play, and the contemporary challenges shaping the future of outer space. For more information about our podcast guests: Jessica West, Project Ploughshares: https://www.ploughshares.ca/author/jessica-west Victoria Samson, Secure World Foundation: https://swfound.org/about-us/our-team/victoria-samson/ Almudena Azcarate Ortega, UN Institute for Disarmament Research: https://unidir.org/people/almudena-azcarate-ortega/ Sarah Erikson, UN Institute for Disarmament Research: https://unidir.org/people/sarah-erickson/ For more reading related to the topics discussed in this episode: UN Res 75/36 establishing the Open-Ended Working Group: https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/3895440?v=pdfUN A/Res 77/41 calling for a moratorium on direct-ascent anti-satellite weapons https://undocs.org/Home/Mobile?FinalSymbol=A%2FRES%2F77%2F41&Language=ESecure World Foundation report "Direct-Ascent Anti-Satellite Missile Tests: State Positions on the Moratorium, UNGA Resolution, and Lessons for the Future" https://swfound.org/news/all-news/2023/10/direct-ascent-anti-satellite-missile-tests-state-positions-on-the-moratorium-unga-resolution-and-lessons-for-the-future/ Recap report by UNIDIR on the OEWG (authored by Almudena and Sarah) https://unidir.org/publication/oewg-on-reducing-space-threats-recap-report/Recap report on the OEWG by Project Ploughshares (authored by Jess West) https://www.ploughshares.ca/reports/the-open-ended-working-group-on-reducing-space-threats-final-recapCassandra Steer, "Making Arms Control Work" https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/making-space-arms-control-workSecure World Foundation, "Global Counterspace Capabilities Report" (co-authored by Victoria Samson and Brian Weeden) https://swfound.org/counterspace/UNIDIR report "Space Security and Sustainability: Why Is It Essential for Small Island Nations?" (co-authored by Almudena and Sarah) https://unidir.org/publication/space-security-and-sustainability-why-is-it-essential-for-small-island-nations/The veto in the UN Security Council, including against a recent space security resolution: https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148896August 2024 report from the Group of Governmental Experts on further practical measures for preventing an arms race in Outer space: https://meetings.unoda.org/gge-paros/group-of-governmental-experts-on-further-practical-measures-for-the-prevention-of-an-arms-race-in-outer-space-2023