Resilience is the word for these times in which we find ourselves. When it comes to dealing with the stresses of change d crisis, being resilient by way of radical selfcare, is the way to go!
Many nations and communities are struggling with the challenges brought on and amplified, by covid 19. Civil unrest, social justice protests, demonstrations and bloodshed, are causing all of us to wake up! Our planet is in crisis and we who inhabit this unique space are also in crisis because we ARE all connected. Ladies, grab a snack, your favorite latté and let's encourage one another today.
Many nations and communities are struggling with the challenges brought on and amplified, by covid 19. Civil unrest, social justice protests, demonstrations and bloodshed, are causing all of us to wake up! Our planet is in crisis and we who inhabit this unique space are also in crisis because we ARE all connected. Ladies, grab a snack, your favorite latté and let's encourage one another today.