In this episode, we hear from Anabel Vizcarra, an embodiment mentor and womb shaman from Sinaloa, Mexico.
Anabel talks about her life journey and the reclamation and embodiment of her feminine power. She talks about her spiritual exploration, and how she came to realize that she was conditioned to live in a way that allowed her to be successful in real estate, and other aspects of her life, but that kept her from being able to live in her full divine self. Anabel dives deep into the importance for all of us to get in touch with our true selves so that we can heal and develop the ability to be who we are meant to be and find our inner peace.
Anabel talks about how the world is used to functioning from a place of the mind (intellect), and the importance for all of us as people to move to the place of the heart (emotion), and eventually to go into the womb (wisdom), to find safety and peace within our bodies. She recommends journaling or recording voice notes when we are feeling really good to read or listen to when we are feeling low. Anabel also suggests having “conscious tantrums” where we can let out anger or frustration.
Be sure to connect, support, and continue learning from Anabel on Instagram: @anabel.vizcarra
Also, sign-up for an 8-week Embodied Emotional Intelligence online immersion program: https://www.anabelvizcarra.com/embodied-emotional-intelligence.html