
  • S4E6 - You've got to go into leadership roles with your eyes and heart wide open - Dean J Fusto

    Dean J Fusto just wanted an easy place to find his resources... Now the President of Brandon Hall School, Dean not only shares his giant curation of school-related resources for free at Teach Learn Lead, but this "Leadership Fanatic" provides fantastic practical advice for school leaders in this episode and a few heart-warming stories!! Dean's insights will help you be a "better" leader!

    Email Dean: djf.teachlearnlead@gmail.com

    2:45 Education: The perfect marriage between loving to learn and loving to serve
    4:00 Genuine "More to learn" mindset
    4:15 It's about being better but not best
    4:30 Have a visibility plan
    5:00 Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...And Others Don't by Jim Collins
    5:15 Leaders need to be nimble
    6:00 Be a good listener and take notes
    7:45 If you lose the ability to connect in ways that are meaningful - you've sort of lost your soul
    8:15 It is critical to have unity of purpose -  Galvanize around a vision
    11:45 Leadership is complicated & multifaceted 
    13:00 Teach Learn Lead
    16:00 Life long learning
    17:15 I try to make anything a story worthy that I can learn from
    18:15 Experience cannot be a solo proposition
    20:00 You've got to go into leadership roles with your eyes and heart wide open
    22:30 Success Chats - 1 on 1 conversation with every student
    23:30 How can we be more responsive to our kids?
    24:45 Every single child should be heard - have a positive mentor - and be connected to someone in the school
    25:00 Every student should be encouraged to dream
    26:45 School leaders are in a position to change students limiting beliefs
    28:00 There is a great opportunity for reinvention
    28:30 How can schools combat becoming  too impersonal or too disconnected
    30:00 Take time to write a personal note when you hear something positive about a teacher
    32:00 Avoid "Purpose or Mission Drift"

    Here are some additional resources supporting our mission.

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  • S4E5 - We need to make it easier and more attractive to be an educator - Daniel Bauer

    Chief Rukus Maker at Better Leaders Better Schools Daniel Bauer - absolutely PACKS this episode with smart, practical advice and resources for school leaders who are seeking to LEVEL-UP! Daniel's "5 Levers of Leadership" alone are worth the listen!

    Call or text Daniel: 312 788.7595

    7:00 5 Levers of Leadership
    - Gift yourself a deep work block once per week
    - Fighting distraction by going old school
    - Be intentional with technology
    - See yourself in 3D - Do it, Delete it or Defer it
    - Invest in developing emotional intelligence - Create more results and get paid more
    7:30 Deep Work by Cal Newport
    12:00 What is it worth to you to experience abundance in your wealth, health & relationships
    12:00 TalentSmart - Emotional Intelligence 2.0
    12:45 75% of leaders allow emotions to drive their decisions
    14:15 Invest, Learn & Teach
    14:30 The Dream Manager by Matthew Kelly
    15:15 Everybody wakes up each day with some kind of dream
    16:00 YouTube video: The Dream Manager
    18:15 STREAKS
    19:00 Share non-school related info with your staff & parents
    19:00 Share your failures in public
    20:45 School leaders need to stop trying to please everybody
    21:15 Seth Godin
    21:30 Austin Kleon - Steal Like an Artist
    23:45 Purple Cow
    25:30 There's a weight & responsibility to school leadership
    28:15 The number one enemy to excellence is isolation
    28:45 Simon Sinek - Just Cause
    29:00 My just cause is to connect, grow & mentor every school leader who wants to level up
    30:00 We need to make it easier and more attractive to be an educator

    Here are some additional resources supporting our mission.

    Episodes, Feeback, Show Notes & more - www.elevateschool.us

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    Comments or Questions? - kevin@theSMARTsub.com

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  • S4E4 - Connection Before Correction. Building Trust with Kids. - Karin Jakubowski

    The students (and staff) at North Star Elementary are greatly impacted by their Principal's unrelenting positivity. Karin Jakubowski has now expanded that impact by introducing the Educational Impact Academy - resources for parents and educators to aid in flipping the behavior of kids and students! This powerful conversation is a must-listen if you have anything to do with students!!

    Karin on Facebook

    5:20 I got into education to be the leader I never had
    8:00 Importance of relationships
    9:00 Your attitude is your choice
    11:00 Why do substitutes love our school
    12:00 Power of the Principal
    13:00 A school that teachers love to come to
    13:15 Value people for who they are
    15:30 Life long learning is challenging
    16:00 Gleen, Get & Go
    16:45 Momnicient Podcast
    18:30 Mental concerns for students
    19:15 Everyone needs a personal guidance counselor
    19:30 Mindfulness coach for students
    20:00 Mindful Schools
    21:45 Educators are not mental health experts but we deal with it everyday
    22:15 Mindfulness with Dr J - YouTube
    23:30 Dr. J. Stuart Ablon - Think:Kids
    24:00 Lost at School: Why Our Kids with Behavioral Challenges are Falling Through the Cracks and How We Can Help Them by Ross W. Greene PhD
    24:30 Elevator tone of voice
    24:30 I believe every kid that does something wrong already feels bad
    24:45 What's up with that?
    25:30 Dr. Gloria Gold - Behind every behavior is a story
    26:15 Happy Kids, Not Perfect Kids
    26:45 Even prisoners get to eat lunch
    28:15 Connection before correction
    29:00 Building trust with kids
    31:30 A kid's bad behavior does not have to put them on a trajectory to be a bad kid
    33:30 Treat every person in your building with the same level of respect
    34:00 Collaborative management style
    36:00 In our room together - we can do amazing and great things
    39:00 Three recesses a day in Elementary School
    40:15 Raising Compassionate and Confident Kids with Author Heather Shumaker
    40:15 It's OK to Go up the Slide: Renegade Rules for Raising Confident and Creative Kids by Heather Shumaker
    42:45 Find something that will fuel you because you are only going to output the best when you are at your best
    43:30 Educational Impact Academy
    46:00 Best advice for in-person conferences with parents

    Here are some additional resources supporting our mission.

    Episodes, Feeback, Show Notes & more - www.elevateschool.us

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    Comments or Questions? - kevin@theSMARTsub.com

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  • S4E3 - Know, Grow and then Let Go to develop your students AND staff - Mike Cobb

    Mike Cobb - Head of School at All Saints Episcopal School looks at all things differently than most with the intent of AUTHENTIC LEARNING.  This episode is packed full of great innovations that you can use at your school today!

    Twitter - @fundmc01

    Intentional Innovation: Time, Space, & Talent (Part 1)
    Intentional Innovation: Time, Space, & Talent (Part 2)

    3:00 The Oakridge School
    3:15 Karate Kid approach to learning school
    4:30 Tap into our inner child
    4:30 What can I do today that would have inspired me as a young adult
    4:45 Give students a sense that this matters and give them ownership and agency
    5:45 You have to believe that the work we are doing is important
    6:00 Passion, Ponderings and Practice
    6:30 The Enneagram Personality Test
    7:45 I challenge any educator - If you are not an optimist then you are in the wrong business
    8:00 I believe that the students in my care can go higher and further than the students that were in my care yesterday
    8:15 Brené Brown
    9:15 A learning space is a teacher
    9:30 Loris Malaguzzi
    11:45 Legacy by James Kerr
    12:30 A leader is not defined by a title, it is defined by action
    12:30 Know, Grow and then Let Go
    13:45 What is your one audacious dream?
    15:30 "Last Friday" Professional Development
    16:30 Traditional PL can sometimes have traditional results that we don't want
    17:00 Teacher Leader Cohort
    17:30 We should be practitioners of what we do
    18:00 Network
    19:30 Take away the high risk of leadership
    20:15 What is the current situation in your passions, heart & abilities?
    21:15 Mount Vernon School
    21:15 Parish Episcopal School
    23:00 Find those things that have meaning
    23:30 What is it about education that feeds you?
    27:00 My moonshot for schools is that our kids understand why they are going to school every day; they can apply the knowledge they learn today - tomorrow; and they feel they have ownership and what that means for them in the future
    27:30 Schools need to teach relevancy
    28:30 Authentic Learning & Student Agency are my two moonshots for education
    30:00 You're not really teaching it if you can't make it relevant or you should not be teaching it
    30:30 Do you have students waiting at the door in the morning? Do you have to tell students to go home after school? If not, you're not doing it right.
    31:15 Do you students decide what is taught and what are the outcomes of that?
    33:45 Outcomes are the really important part
    34:00 Parents, Students, Administrators - You have the power to make your school a better place

    Here are some additional resources supporting our mission.

    Episodes, Feeback, Show Notes & more - www.elevateschool.us

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    Comments or Questions? - kevin@theSMARTsub.com

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  • S4E2 - If you are fighting for children, justice and equity... we are ALL on the same team! - Danny Song

    Danny Song the Head of School at Believe Memphis Academy CS provides a wealth of practical advice on leading a school to a true community and fantastic insight for aspiring school leaders! (Full Disclosure: Danny provides sooo much great content that the show notes don't do this episode justice)



    3:30 School was a really pivotal and important place where I found community
    4:00 I found the ability to tell stories really compelling
    4:30 Memphis Teacher Residency
    6:00 Achievement Gap - Education Week
    7:00 Education is a civil rights and social justice issue
    10:00 Three primary factors contributing to the "Opportunity Gap": Zip Code, Household Income and Skin Color
    18:00 What does it take to drive student achievement and move student learning?
    18:15 A school leader needs to be relentless and dogged about the talent in your building
    19:00 Good to Great by Jim Collins
    19:30 Failure is a necessary part of growth
    21:30 Does the school culture give the students the feeling that "This place makes me feel smarter every day."?
    23:45 Mindset by Carol Dweck
    24:00 The Deepest Well by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris
    25:30 Radical Candor by Kim Scott
    26:15 Chalkbeat
    26:45 I intentionally seek out mentors who can help me with my blindspots
    28:15 Simon Sinek
    29:15 Maintain your Humility, your Grind, your Hard Work Ethic and NEVER lose sight of your love for the children
    29:45 The deeper your love for children - the better school leader you'll be
    32:00 When you see a community of people rally around this mission it's like magic!
    41:15 If you believe you can be a school leader - know that you can!
    42:00 Faith is knowing that you are on a team even when you don't know all the players
    42:30 If you are fighting for kids, if you are fighting for justice, if you are fighting for equity - thanks for letting me be on your team.
    43:00 Jesus died for you and would have done it even if you were the only person on earth

    Here are some additional resources supporting our mission.

    Episodes, Feeback, Show Notes & more - www.elevateschool.us

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    Comments or Questions? - kevin@theSMARTsub

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  • S4E1 - The Best Leaders Are Those Who Empower Their Team! - Tom Woelper

    Tom Woelper is a Founding Head of School at New England Innovation Academy. Tom shares great insight on how his team is creating a different kind of school to prepare students to face a future they want to shape!

    Email: tom.woelper@neiacademy.org
    Tom on Twitter - @twoelper
    Tom on LinkedIn
    New England Innovation Academy on Twitter - @HelloNEIA

    5:15 The Best Leaders Are The Ones Who Empower Their Team
    8:00 If you don't listen, If you don't empower - you're not going to be successful
    9:45 Lawrenceville School
    10:30 Schools get caught in a cultural inertia of what they have been
    11:00 Schools are bad at math
    12:00 What should school look like now?
    12:45 Putting time tables on everything a school does
    13:45 Taft School
    14:00 Teachers College, Columbia University
    14:15 Friendship Highway
    14:15 American Pacific International School
    16:30 The Hotchkiss School
    18:00  Matthew Kressy - MIT Professional Education
    18:15 Human-Centered Design
    18:15 Graduate innovators who can be the change they want to see in the world
    19:00 Stanford d.school
    19:15 Try to understand the needs of others with great empathy
    19:30 You don't come in as an"expert" and presume that you know what's best for them
    20:00 Failure and Fail Forward
    21:00 How Sesame Street philosophy can help your school
    23:00 Recruiting students with just an idea
    27:45 Hechinger Report - Declining Birth Rates
    28:15 Have the humility to know you are wrong
    29:00 New Jersey Association of Independent Schools
    29:45 Be curious, expand your experiences,
    31:15 Don't lose sight of why you are in education
    35:15 Getting out of your comfort zone

    Here are some additional resources supporting our mission.

    Episodes, Feeback, Show Notes & more - www.elevateschool.us

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    Comments or Questions? - kevin@theSMARTsub.com

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  • Season 3 Close

    We would like to send a sincere THANK YOU to all educators, guests and listeners of the podcast. We hope that we bring value to you and please know that your efforts are greatly appreciated!!!

    2:45 E1 Farrell Thomas
    4:30 E2 Brian O'Connell
    7:00 E3 Tom Darlow
    9:00 E4 Aubrey Bursch
    11:30 E5 Dr. Kina Mallard
    14:30 E6 Eric Jones
    17:45 E7 Michael Hardiman
    19:15 E8 Karine Myers

    Here are some additional resources supporting our mission.

    Episodes, Feeback, Show Notes & more - www.elevateschool.us

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    Comments or Questions? - kevin@theSMARTsub.com

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  • S3E8 - Wherever That Learning Spark Flies Is Where My Passion Lies - Karine Myers

    Karine Myers started "teaching" at the age of 8 in her basement. Now Supervisor of Leadership Development at Frederick County Public Schools, she has seen education from MANY viewpoints. Karine's passion for learning has not dimmed through career setbacks and pivots and now appears to be at its brightest!

    Karine on Twitter - @fcpskarinemyers

    2:45 Holton Arms Creative Summer
    3:15 Dickinson College
    3:30 Gettysburg College
    6:30 A leader has nothing to do with your title - It has to do with the influence that you have
    12:30 It's really about the learner and the learner can take on so many different views
    14:00 Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
    14:45 I see success when we focus on servant leadership tenents
    17:30 Stop, Pause, Think before making the next decision
    18:45 We cannot provide professional learning that is "one and done" because the position is not static
    20:15 When we see a growth-minded leader that's what comes to pass in the school building
    20:15 Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
    22:00 Remember to put your own air mask on first
    27:00 There are a lot of leadership needs that are beyond instructional
    33:00 Do things that are scary so that you can grow
    33:45 What can I learn from the experience or failure
    34:30 Put the right frame of mind on something and you keep pushing forward
    35:00 Be open to feedback. If you're not getting it, seek it out
    37:30 Educational Leadership
    37:45 Learning Forward
    38:45 Dare to Lead by Brené Brown
    39:00 Leadershift by John C. Maxwell
    39:00 The Sweet Spot by Christine Carter
    40:15 Nothing as an educator makes you feel better than watching people benefit from learning

    Here are some additional resources supporting our mission.

    Episodes, Feeback, Show Notes & more - www.elevateschool.us

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