Mike Cobb - Head of School at All Saints Episcopal School looks at all things differently than most with the intent of AUTHENTIC LEARNING. This episode is packed full of great innovations that you can use at your school today!
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Intentional Innovation: Time, Space, & Talent (Part 1)
Intentional Innovation: Time, Space, & Talent (Part 2)
3:00 The Oakridge School
3:15 Karate Kid approach to learning school
4:30 Tap into our inner child
4:30 What can I do today that would have inspired me as a young adult
4:45 Give students a sense that this matters and give them ownership and agency
5:45 You have to believe that the work we are doing is important
6:00 Passion, Ponderings and Practice
6:30 The Enneagram Personality Test
7:45 I challenge any educator - If you are not an optimist then you are in the wrong business
8:00 I believe that the students in my care can go higher and further than the students that were in my care yesterday
8:15 Brené Brown
9:15 A learning space is a teacher
9:30 Loris Malaguzzi
11:45 Legacy by James Kerr
12:30 A leader is not defined by a title, it is defined by action
12:30 Know, Grow and then Let Go
13:45 What is your one audacious dream?
15:30 "Last Friday" Professional Development
16:30 Traditional PL can sometimes have traditional results that we don't want
17:00 Teacher Leader Cohort
17:30 We should be practitioners of what we do
18:00 Network
19:30 Take away the high risk of leadership
20:15 What is the current situation in your passions, heart & abilities?
21:15 Mount Vernon School
21:15 Parish Episcopal School
23:00 Find those things that have meaning
23:30 What is it about education that feeds you?
27:00 My moonshot for schools is that our kids understand why they are going to school every day; they can apply the knowledge they learn today - tomorrow; and they feel they have ownership and what that means for them in the future
27:30 Schools need to teach relevancy
28:30 Authentic Learning & Student Agency are my two moonshots for education
30:00 You're not really teaching it if you can't make it relevant or you should not be teaching it
30:30 Do you have students waiting at the door in the morning? Do you have to tell students to go home after school? If not, you're not doing it right.
31:15 Do you students decide what is taught and what are the outcomes of that?
33:45 Outcomes are the really important part
34:00 Parents, Students, Administrators - You have the power to make your school a better place
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