Ed Kemper, a name that strikes fear into the hearts of true crime enthusiasts, earned the grim moniker of "The Co-Ed Killer" for his brutal murders in the early 1970s. Standing at 6'9" with a genius-level IQ, Kemper was an enigma, blending intelligence with unimaginable violence. This episode of Signature Crimes explores his troubled past, twisted motivations, and the chilling details of his crimes that shocked the nation. This episode was created with the help of NotebookLM, which generated the audio summary. References
- "Inside the Mind of Ed Kemper: The Co-Ed Killer" - YouTube
- Douglas, John. Mindhunter: Inside the FBI's Elite Serial Crime Unit.
- Hodgell, Ann. "Ed Kemper: The Chilling Story of a Serial Killer with a Genius IQ." True Crime Files.
- "The Co-Ed Killer: A Documentary." Crime Network TV.