
  • Episode 33: InSightFul, DeLightFul and Expassive with Arayah Ayana Surima (epi 3)

    Hello sweet soul, welcome. Today Arayah and I have a general chat about the now energies and what we are experiencing and seeing playing out for our ascension of New Earth. This is the third episode Arayah and I have created together.

    BIO: Star seeded Ascension Guide, Bridger of Worlds, Sophia Christ Code Activator, Luminous Programmer, Cosmic Shaman, Blue Ray Alchemist, New Earth Custodian of the LivingLight, Vibrational Artist. https://arayahscompass.co.nz/

    Transcription of the meeting summary:

    Embracing change and seeing others with fresh eyes @ 0:01

    Arayah and Jacob discuss the importance of being open to change, both in ourselves and in our relationships with others. They emphasize the need to see people in each new moment, releasing past judgments and perceptions, and holding the possibility for them to step into their higher selves.

    Releasing unhealthy attachments and patterns @ 3:12

    Jacob shares an example of how he recognized an unhealthy attachment to a certain food, and the process of observing that pattern, allowing himself to feel into it, and considering how to replace it with something more nourishing. Arayah shares a similar experience with her coffee habit.

    The power of transparency and openness @ 8:36

    Arayah recounts a conversation with her doctor where she openly shared her work as a spiritual healer. This led to an insightful discussion about holistic approaches to health, and the doctor's acknowledgment of the value of integrating alternative modalities into the medical system.

    Holding space for others' growth and awakening @ 41:43

    Arayah and Jacob discuss the importance of having patience and compassion for those going through difficult spiritual awakenings and transformations, even when it can be challenging. They emphasize the need to hold a loving container for this process, without judgment or avoidance.

    Aligned action and riding the momentum of expansion @ 52:46

    Arayah emphasizes the importance of taking aligned action in the moment, following the flow of inspiration and excitement, rather than overthinking or waiting for the "perfect" conditions. She encourages riding the current momentum of expansion and growth.

    Recap and closing @ 56:03

    Jacob and Arayah express gratitude for the insightful conversation and the opportunity to share and learn from each other. They encourage the audience to shine brightly and freely express themselves in their own unique ways.

    Thank you so much for being here with us today. I am very grateful for you all. Much love and blessings, Jacob.

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    57 分
  • Episode 32: Awakening the Illuminated Heart, teachings and workshops offered with John Thode

    Hello sweet soul, welcome. In this episode John shares with us his passion of Drunvalo Melchizedek's teachings and the amazing workshops he and his beloved, Waveney offer to those who feel called.


    Most of my life I have been a spiritual seeker. This seeking continues to this day, until eventually, in 2012, I found the books of Drunvalo Melichezedek, who, in my view, was best able to iterate my understanding of Spirituality and open doors to so much more.

    My wife Waveney and I decided we would like to train as teachers so we travelled to Mexico in 2013 and spent 2 weeks at Lake Chapala with 120 other teacher trainees from around the world. Since we returned we have held over 25 workshops in both Australia and New Zealand. My other passions are plants and nature, and my employment for most of my life has been designing and building gardens and running a plant nursery. I also love the sea and sailing and have spent much of my life on the ocean. Currently we are living on 6 acres in Mangawhai, we run bio-dynamically. It has 200 fruit trees, beautiful native bush, and a river running through the middle. We have all chosen to incarnate in planet Earth and live in these remarkable and pivotal times and we all have a part to play. In the One Heart, John


    John's spiritual journey @ 1:22

    John shared his lifelong spiritual journey, starting from being exposed to spiritual books as a teenager through his mother. In the 2000s, he discovered the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek and attended his "Awakening the Illuminated Heart" workshops, which had a profound impact. John and his wife later became certified teachers of this work and have since facilitated over 25 workshops in Australia and New Zealand.

    The heart vs. the brain @ 5:00

    John explained Melchizedek's teachings on the difference between the brain/mind (associated with duality) and the heart (associated with unity consciousness). The workshops focus on helping participants enter the heart space and create from a vibration of love, rather than from the dualistic mind.

    Activations and abilities @ 6:50

    The workshops involve various exercises and meditations to activate the third eye, the light body, and the pineal gland. John shared that Drunvalo has recently provided new information on using the pineal gland for telepathic communication, which they plan to incorporate into future workshops.

    Personal passions and the current times @ 9:18

    In addition to his spiritual work, John shared his lifelong passion for plants and nature. He discussed how he previously ran a landscaping business and now maintains a small nursery on his property. John sees the current times as an exciting opportunity for people to awaken and share their unique gifts to assist others.

    Recap and closing @ 36:38

    Jacob and John concluded the discussion by emphasizing the importance of grounding in nature, connecting with the consciousness of water, and embracing the changes happening both within and without. They expressed excitement about John and his wife's upcoming workshops and the opportunity to share these transformative teachings.

    Thank you all for listening in today. Gratefully appreciate you all. Much love, Jacob.

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    40 分
  • Episode 31: Journeying the Amazon into Consciousness with Juan Diaz
    Hello sweet soul, welcome. Juan shares his incredible call to the Amazon to explore consciousness through plant medicine. Bringing a strong yoga practice on board and self responsibility. As well as, you are your God and embodiment. BIO: Juan has dedicated his entire life to study and embody the tools for self actualization, the great remembrance. The nectar that every living being is looking for. He started his journey of self discovery in his teens years with plant medicine. During his first self guided session with psilocybin the medicine narrate him the origins of creation, thought him of how the universe works and its laws. Soon after he finished school went to the Amazonian Jungle to keep learning from indigenous traditions and plant medicines as he realized that the answers that he was looking for were kept by wisdom keepers all around the world. Through his medicine Journey and exploration of the healing arts, he connected to the Yoga practices and fell in love with the maps and tools that Yoga has to offer to navigate life and sail in peace, harmony, joy and full gratitude for this miracle. In addition to his plant medicine and Yogic studies, he has been trained in different massage therapy modalities and energy healing giving him a deeper understanding of health well being and how we can truly awaken in this lifetime and embody our soul's unique song on this earth. He now lives in the US where he teaches Yoga, does bodywork, energy healing, facilitates workshops, immersions, retreats and does 1-1 coaching work with clients around the world. Contact IG: https://www.instagram.com/juanyogalife/ Fb: https://www.facebook.com/juanyogalife?mibextid=ZbWKwL Email: juan.yogalife@gmail.com Meeting Purpose Explore Juan's spiritual journey and insights on plant medicine, consciousness, and personal growth. Key Takeaways Juan's path began with early mystical experiences, leading to deep exploration of plant medicines and indigenous wisdom Emphasis on self-responsibility, truthfulness, and embodying love as key elements of spiritual growth Importance of balancing spiritual pursuits with grounded practices like movement, nutrition, and daily intention-setting Caution against spiritual bypassing; need to integrate shadow aspects and bring higher consciousness into everyday life Topics Juan's Spiritual Awakening Early childhood experiences of feeling disconnected from societal norms and questioning reality Mystical out-of-body experiences sparked curiosity about deeper layers of existence First cannabis experience at age 10 opened doors to expanded states of consciousness Pivotal mushroom journey at 15 provided clear spiritual direction and initiated a profound rebirth Amazonian Plant Medicine Journey Six-month immersion in the Amazon jungle at age 18 First ayahuasca ceremony in an intimate, traditional setting with indigenous shamans Vivid visions and downloads about time, space, and divine consciousness Continued exploration with various plant medicines and shamans over 22 years Integration and Daily Practices Morning affirmative prayer and intention-setting to stay aligned with higher purpose Emphasis on movement (yoga) and nutrition to maintain a clear vessel for consciousness Cultivating honesty and self-awareness to illuminate shadow aspects Focusing on heart coherence and bringing attention away from mental chatter Spiritual Wisdom and Advice Importance of self-love and compassion as foundation for growth Caution against spiritual bypassing; need to "dig deep" and face uncomfortable truths Emphasis on personal responsibility and taking action, rather than waiting for external salvation Encouragement to start with basic pillars: caring for physical, emotional, and mental bodies Simplicity of "being here now" as core spiritual practice Next Steps Consider having Juan return for future podcast episodes to explore additional topics Listeners encouraged to implement simple daily practices for spiritual growth: Morning intention-setting Bringing attention to the heart Cultivating self-love and honesty Taking small, consistent steps towards personal growth Thank you all for listening in with us today. So grateful for you, love and blessings, Jacob.
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  • Episode 30: Being Grounded, Multi-dimensionality & Starseeds with Alyse Young
    Hello sweet soul, welcome. Alyse shares with us her 35 years of Shamanic work, the importance of being ground, Feelings, knowing your multi-dimensional self and Starseeds on Earth. All in a tangible way. Near the end Alyse guides us through a powerful grounding technic. BIO: Alyse, is an Energy Intuitive and Shaman, facilitating healing by interpreting the dynamics of energy, translating it into the language of feelings. Offering a different perspective of the consciousness behind all dysfunctions and dis-ease of the body, mind and Spirit, allows for immediate relief. Alyse listens to your feelings, rather than words; sensing the misalignment of your core energetic pattern, and guiding with precision, your energy back into alignment using vibrational language, activating codes of remembrance with our Inner Child, Soul, Higher Self and our Multidimensional Being. This is a sensory language and the perspectives are very different to how we learned. Supporting and aligning souls to what they already Know, in order to embody and anchor this consciousness and frequencies in the Here and Now. Alyse has been working and living as an Intuitive for over 35 years. She is committed to her Soul’s journey, living as a sovereign Being, sharing her experiences of living as a multidimensional Being and what that means; to encourage self awareness, acceptance, empowerment and self healing. Alyse offers new perspectives, and tools that allow Starseeds to sense their multidimensional Being, giving them a point of reference from their sensory body, so they understand what their senses means to them. It is an important time to acknowledge and support Starseeds for their unique abilities in what they KNOW, as they are here to Be The Change. It is different to 3D conditioning and we need to acknowledge this for them. We are in a new era, creating and living in Love, Joy, Truth and Freedom because Magic is our natural state of Being. Alyse’s repertoire includes; Inner Child Healing – Soul RetrievalShamanic Journey – Grounding, Reconnection to your Soul and Multidimensional BeingVibrational Sound Meditations – Grounding and RecalibrationFamily ConstellationSpace, Home, Clearings and DispossessionsWorkshops for Living As A Multidimensional Being - Activations and ToolsEmbracing and Embodying Your Personal Energy – What is Energy?Connecting with Your Inner Child, Soul and Higher SelfBook – Talk To Me (a practical guide book to understanding energy as feelings, inner child and consciousness)Anything to do with energy... www.youngalyse.com https://www.facebook.com/alyse.young.5680 email; youngalyse555@gmail.com Summary Meeting Purpose Discuss shamanic practices, multi-dimensionality, and grounding techniques with energy intuitive Alyse Young. Key Takeaways Grounding is crucial for fully receiving energetic activations and connecting to one's multi-dimensional self Feelings are our point of power; expressing true feelings aligns us with our soul purpose and creator energy Simple energy techniques like visualization and affirmations can create profound shifts quickly Stillness is essential for recalibrating to higher frequencies and transitioning to a crystalline-based body Topics Shamanic Journeys and Multi-Dimensional Experiences Alyse conducts 20-minute shamanic journeys using drumming to facilitate deep connections Participants often have "popping" experiences between dimensions, activating different frequency codes Sharing experiences afterwards is crucial for confirming and activating the received codes Alyse interprets messages by tuning into participants' feelings rather than focusing on the story Grounding Techniques Visualization exercise: Imagine being a tree with deep roots, breathing energy in/out Affirmations reinforce safety in the body and permission to have feelings Spinning the Merkaba (light body) and heart vortex can help maintain grounding in intense energies Regular practice helps embody one's own energy, increasing discernment and inner guidance Inner Child Work and Energy Transformation Inner child work is described as "modern day shamanism" and a shortcut to healing Visualize the inner child holding trauma/feelings, with plasma as the space for alchemical transformation Bringing love, compassion, and new perspectives into this space releases trauma and transforms energy BTS as Star Seed Activators Alyse was guided to study BTS, recognizing them as star seeds activating others through music and visuals Their lyrics often incorporate hope and use numerology, with harmonics described as "exquisite" BTS has appeared in Alyse's shamanic journeys, indicating their role in star seed activation Next Steps Practice the grounding visualization exercise regularly to embody one's energy Incorporate stillness and "nananaps" (short meditative naps) to allow for energetic recalibration Pay attention to symbols and feelings in daily life as a form of spiritual language ...
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    1 時間 7 分
  • Heart Sharing 5: Walking the Inner Trail - Outer Trail Reflection with host Jacob RA Dodds
    Hello sweet soul, welcome. Today I share about my journey of walking part of the Te Araroa trail of Aotearoa, New Zealand. Making it to around the 840km (520miles) mark. Consciously walking many different terrains, as well as hitching and busing when necessary. The people, the land, the incredible support, the inner journey, the healing of myself and the earth. If you wish to see the 100's of photos from the walk, please see my facebook profile under the photo album, 'Today, I walk'. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.3993698037530159&type=3 BIO: As a multi dimensional galactic being, Jacob is calm, grounded and present. He is very aware of his humanness and his soul expression being in harmony. The importance of a joyful life and the blessings and growth his life experiences have given him. Along with the choices that support his conscious evolution. He is very in touch with his innate nature and being one with mother earth and all of the natural world. He creates a space for you to connect with this within yourself, through his many offerings of podcasts, conscious art, multi-authored books, earth healing excursions, personal guidance and/or alchemy sessions. He talks about how our frequency and the way we are expressing, has a ripple effect in the field. Our own field, earth’s and the collective. That this quantum field is always communicating with us and is here to support us. So, it’s imperative to have the tools that assist us to create a life lead by the heart and to have awareness of Unity Consciousness. To re-member who we truly are, the power that is us, knowing and embodying our unique codex and that life is about being curious, courageous and creative. https://linktr.ee/jacobradodds Transcript summary of my sharing: Embarking on a 550km walking journey @ 0:01 Jacob shares about his recent 550km (350 mile) walking journey on the Te Araroa trail in Aotearoa New Zealand. He initially set out to walk the North Island with a friend, but ended up walking mostly solo, deepening his connection with himself, the land, and the cosmos. Navigating the physical and mental challenges @ 3:37 Jacob describes the physical demands of the hike, including long daily distances, steep muddy terrain, and dealing with aches and pains. He also shares the mental and emotional challenges, such as doubting his ability to complete the journey and managing his mindset when the path seemed endless. Connecting with fellow hikers @ 6:16 Jacob talks about the meaningful connections he made with other hikers along the way, walking together for periods of time before going their separate ways. He reflects on the different motivations and approaches people had to the hike. Deepening his spiritual and energetic connection @ 9:39 Jacob shares that his primary intention for the hike was to deepen his connection with himself, the land, the elements, and the cosmos. He describes the energetic and spiritual experiences he had, including clearing density from his body, receiving guidance and insights, and doing energy work at certain sites. Receiving unexpected support and synchronicities @ 32:00 Jacob shares numerous examples of how he was supported and cared for throughout the journey, from receiving unexpected rides, food, and accommodations to experiencing synchronicities that guided him to the right places at the right times. Navigating challenging social dynamics @ 42:30 Jacob encountered some social challenges when he came across groups engaging in behaviors that did not align with his values. He reflects on how he managed his own projections and judgments, and the importance of maintaining a sense of equality and compassion. Integrating the lessons and insights @ 1:05:06 As Jacob concludes his sharing, he reflects on the deeper lessons and insights he gained from the experience, emphasizing the importance of staying centered, present, and connected to oneself and the environment. He expresses gratitude for the opportunity to undertake this transformative journey. Thank you so much for joining me on this wonderful journey. Much love and gratitude, Jacob
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    1 時間 7 分
  • Episode 29: LoveLight, Cohesion & Attunement with Arayah Ayana Surima (epi 2)
    Hello sweet soul, welcome. This is a beautiful collaboration between us of conscious ways of being, the human journey and connection with Gaia. We share languages of Light near the end. This is the second episode Arayah and I have created together. BIO: ☥ ❦ 𝓐𝓻𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 Ãץᵃ𝓝ᵃ 𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓶𝓪 *ೃ༄ 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳-𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘈𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘎𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦, 𝘉𝘳𝘪𝘥𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥𝘴, 𝘚𝘰𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘢 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵 𝘊𝘰𝘥𝘦 𝘈𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳, 𝘓𝘶𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳, 𝘊𝘰𝘴𝘮𝘪𝘤 𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘯, 𝘉𝘭𝘶𝘦 𝘙𝘢𝘺 𝘈𝘭𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵, 𝘕𝘦𝘸 𝘌𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘩 𝘊𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘓𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘓𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵, 𝘝𝘪𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘈𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘵. https://arayahscompass.co.nz FB https://www.facebook.com/arayahscompass IG https://www.instagram.com/arayahscompass RB https://www.redbubble.com/people/ArayahsArt Summary Meeting Purpose Explore spiritual concepts, personal experiences, and share light language in an organic, free-flowing conversation. Key Takeaways Collective shift towards greater connection, cohesion, and attunement with each other and the Earth Importance of embracing all aspects of self, including perceived flaws and uncomfortable emotions Discussion on the nature of enlightenment and spiritual growth as a gradual, integrated process Exploration of innate human abilities and the power of childlike curiosity in manifesting possibilities Topics Energetic Shifts and Collective Evolution Acknowledgment of a significant collective shift over the past 5-10 years Increased feelings of connection, cohesiveness, and attunement among like-minded individuals Growing awareness of finding one's "tribe" and recognizing each other at a soul level Emphasis on the importance of self-love and embracing all aspects of self, including perceived flaws Personal Growth and Spiritual Experiences Discussion on the process of integrating higher frequencies and expanded awareness Shared experiences of physical manifestations of energy work (e.g., cracking a rock face) Exploration of the concept of enlightenment, including a story about a man who felt unfulfilled after achieving it Emphasis on the journey of spiritual growth rather than seeking instant enlightenment Innate Human Abilities and Consciousness Examples of intuitive abilities, such as avoiding obstacles while skiing Discussion on the power of curiosity and playfulness in accessing higher potentials Reflection on the vast nature of human consciousness and our limited understanding of our true capabilities Importance of grounding and integrating spiritual experiences into daily life Light Language and Energy Exchange Spontaneous sharing of light language between participants Description of sensations and visions experienced during the light language exchange Recognition of different energetic signatures and beings present during the exchange Next Steps Consider organizing more spontaneous, organic conversations for future podcast episodes Continue exploring and sharing personal spiritual experiences and insights Remain open to collaborative opportunities and energy exchanges with like-minded individuals Encourage listeners to embrace their own journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth Thank you all who have listened in with us today. Please share how the light language was for you, if you feel too. So much love and gratitude, Jacob.
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    1 時間 21 分
  • Episode 28: Conscious Care for All the Incredibly Conscious Children with Trina Mathieson
    Hello sweet soul, welcome. With a vast ray of life experience and wisdom around living consciously, for ourselves and our children, through conscious communication, responsibility and awareness, Trina shines her light. (I was more in a head space than a heart space for this one). BIO: I have had the absolute honour of being entrusted to guide people to heal and transform in all areas of life including physical health, emotional/mental health, relationships, sovereign parenting, life purpose/career and major life transitions. Hundreds of women, men and children over the past 20 years have been guided back home to the love, peace and wisdom of their body and soul. I have always been intrigued by the mysteries of the universe, natural remedies, and metaphysics. And with that a knowing that I was to be of service to truly make a difference in peoples lives. I have extensive experience working with mothers and children using uniquely blended modalities with expertise in supporting clients with subconscious emotions and limiting beliefs, nervous system regulation, generational trauma, timeline therapy, neurological energetics, birth imprints and much more. My passion is to help families build a solid foundation of harmony and alignment. Everything I have learnt and experienced has resulted in embodied practices and deep support for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual embodiment. Working with me is for those who desire autonomy in their lives and are ready to commit to the journey of self love, healing, fulfilment and sovereignty for themselves and their children. My personal practice integrates a range of modalities, teachings and guided influences that I have come to embody over the many many years of working with people to release their blocks to healing and transform their lives. My formal Training includes Early childhood education, Specialised Kinesiology, Quantum healing, Wholistic Counselling, Children's Trauma Therapies, Kanika Somatic therapy, crystal healing, Reiki and Access Bars. Through my own lived experiences and involvement in many sacred ceremonies, personal awakenings and deeply working with earth energies, I offer my own specialised quantum energetic processes. I am an empathic mum of 3 amazing humans and a mentor to many. I am intuitive, down to earth, playful and passionate about the healing nature of our multidimensional selves. Summary Trina's spiritual journey @ 0:00 Trina shares that she has had an innate spiritual connection and intuitive abilities since childhood, including communicating with nature and elementals. She was drawn to exploring her gifts through travel, ashrams, and working with gurus in her 20s. Trina's spiritual awareness and abilities have been a lifelong journey, not a single awakening experience. Communicating with children's higher selves @ 8:30 Trina emphasizes the importance of parents being honest with their emotions and allowing children to express their feelings, rather than suppressing them. She discusses the ability to communicate directly with a child's higher self to understand their needs, gifts, and life purpose. This can provide invaluable guidance for supporting and nurturing the child's development. Energetic sensitivity of children @ 11:15 Trina observes that many children today are highly sensitive, intuitive, and spiritually gifted. They are able to see energy, communicate with guides and elementals, and have advanced abilities that parents may not understand. It is important to create safe, supportive environments for these children to thrive and express their true nature. Clearing energy and creating sacred spaces @ 13:10 Trina shares techniques for clearing energy in a child's environment, such as smudging, using essential oils, and rearranging furniture to address EMF and water lines. She emphasizes the need to be attuned to a child's discomfort in certain spaces and to proactively cleanse and protect their personal areas. The importance of nature and play @ 41:00 Trina highlights the crucial role of nature in grounding, regulating, and resetting children's energy and nervous systems. She shares examples of her own children's deep connection to the natural world and how it has supported their wellbeing and spiritual development. Trina encourages parents to foster a sense of wonder, curiosity, and freedom for children to explore and play in nature. Recap and closing thoughts @ 50:27 Trina emphasizes the importance of self-kindness and enjoying the journey of being a guardian for these highly sensitive, spiritually gifted children. She invites the audience to join her Starseed Village group on Facebook, where she will be releasing a guide on channeling a child's higher self. Thank you for joining in this journey with us today. Much love and gratitude, Jacob.
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    53 分
  • Episode 27: The Love of Sound with Larnie Crompton

    Hello sweet soul, welcome. Larnie shares her journey of working with the Grandmother's, her use of sound and moving into the heart. Larnie shares a gorgeous taste of sound with a crystal bowl and her voice.


    Larnie Crompton | Goldenfeather Alchemy

    Larnie Crompton is a Sound Alchemist working with Crystal Sound Codes & Grandmother Collective which serve to open hearts to a Greater Love. CEO and Founder of the Goldenfeather Academy of Light & Sound, Larnie is a Wisdom Keeper of the Goldenfeather Sound Codes and a weaver of the Songlines.

    Her mission is to guide you to “Unify all aspects of your Heart and come home to your fullest expression of Truth”. Larnie holds a vision for the Earth where all beings have returned to Love.

    Larnie has developed a high level of skill and mastery in blending her many modalities including Rahanni Celestial Healing, Kanika bone matrix therapy, Singing/Toning and Light Language with crystal singing bowl tones. Her unique Sound Alchemy works with crystalline voice codes to bring healing frequencies to body, mind and spirit.

    A High Priestess of the Rose heart overlighted by Yeshua, Mary Magdalene and the Goddess of Venus, Larnie has spent years studying in the Mystery School of the Feminine Divine and is passionate about sharing this pathway with other spiritual seekers.

    Larnie is a guide and coach who intuitively brings practical solutions to the challenges that face us with love, kindness and humour. Larnie’s work is also available through online coaching and teaching programs, retreats and in person healings.


    Summary Larnie's Spiritual Gifts and Offerings @ 0:01

    Larnie shares that she works with crystal singing bowls, channeled vocal codes, and grid work to send healing energy to the collective. She receives intuitive guidance and messages from a group of grandmothers, including her own ancestral lineage, indigenous lineages, and galactic grandmothers. Larnie emphasizes the importance of being in alignment with the guidance she receives.

    The Dance of Surrender and Structure @ 6:30

    Larnie and Jacob discuss the balance between being in control and surrendering, noting that it has been a journey for Larnie to learn to surrender more. They explore how this dance between structure and flow is a natural part of the human experience.

    Embodying Love and Authenticity @ 11:11

    Larnie shares her focus on embodying love and authenticity, including the practice of asking "What would love do now?" when faced with challenges. They discuss the importance of self-acceptance, celebrating one's gifts, and allowing vulnerability in relationships.

    The Power of Sound Healing @ 24:52

    Larnie explains how she uses crystal singing bowls and her own unique vocal codes to facilitate sound healing, both in individual sessions and group settings. She emphasizes the profound and unique way each person experiences the frequencies and how it can facilitate deep healing and transformation.

    Embracing Playfulness and Curiosity @ 51:51

    Larnie and Jacob discuss the importance of bringing more playfulness, curiosity, and joy into one's spiritual journey and everyday life. They share examples of how Larnie has been intentionally exploring new activities and experiences to expand her perspective and connection.

    Closing Reflections @ 57:04

    Larnie and Jacob conclude the conversation by reflecting on the power of authentic expression and allowing one's unique voice to be heard. They emphasize the importance of creating space for the natural unfolding of the divine.

    Thank you for joining with us today, I am really grateful. Go well and see you next time. Bless, Jacob.

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