Today’s enlightening episode of Electronically yours features a stimulating discussion with Dr. Jim Walsh, CEO of Conway Hall in Holborn, London, home of Conway Hall Ethical Society, an educational charity with an amazing history spanning two centuries. The Hall hosts a wide variety of talks, debates, performances and community events. It is renowned as a hub for free speech and independent thought, for suffragettes, political radicals, scientists, philosophers, artists, performers; campaigns, charities and other non-profit organisations. Between February 11-20, Conway Hall will host ‘Adventures In The Electroverse’ , Martyn’s 3D immersive soundscape installation based on the greatest stories from over 200 episodes of Electronically Yours. Ladies and gentlemen – in today’s world we need humanism more than ever – meet Dr. Jim Walsh... If you can, please support the Electronically Yours podcast via my Patron: patreon.com/electronicallyours