Husbands, wives, and married money family - you are now hand in hand again with the marriage and money mentor! And today, your host talks about something we have all experienced… RAGE.
We all have it. We all deal with it. We all experience it in some way, shape, or form. But is rage always a bad thing?
Tune in as your marriage and money guru explains why rage is a necessary positive in our lives and reveals how we can harness it into a superpower!
- Can rage be positive? Beneficial?
- What is bad rage?
- 5 ways we can use positive rage
- Transforming rage to thrive in our true masculinity or femininity
- When do you know that rage is making you more powerful?
- How rage translates into power, passion, and presence
“Understand that rage is not bad. How we manage the rage can transform it into a bad thing or a good thing.”
“Rage truly becomes powerful, especially in your marriage, when it motivates you and creates the desire for you to be a greatest servant.”
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Marriage and Money Mentor: Derrick A. Abbott is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at instapodcasts.com)