What's good Fanny Packs! The gurls discuss a common theme that they're now fighting against, perfection. There's other themes that continuously reappear in their lives: peace, power, progression, productivity and pivoting; which supports the well known phrase "pushing P. '' - well their remix definition that is. Are there areas in your life where you too feel the need to push away perfection, relinquish power, push in the direction of having a peace of mind while simultaneously breaking away from productivity? Whelp, you're in the right space for that discourse. Pushing P. is also a way of the gurls saying they're pushing away false ideals while unlearning old habits. Dive into the discussion with us as we push away perfection.
Do you also struggle with trying to master the "perfect timing" with everything in your life? If so, how do you push away perfectionism? We'd love to hear your thoughts in our comment section on Instagram: @audreysgurlspodcast