We would like to thank all of you have listened to one, 3, 30 or lots of our episodes. Hopefully we entertained for 20 minutes and taught you something along the way as well each week for the past 4 or so years. We would also like to thank the awesome 47 guests that we had and even those we tried to have on and just couldn't make schedules work. Again to all that shared our tweets, listened, told others about the show, or supported us in any way over the past four years: We Thank you. Dave & Mat Full Transcript Mat Siltala: Welcome to another exciting episode of the business of digital podcast, featuring your host, Matt and Dave roar. Hey guys, excited to have you join us on this, uh, business of digital episode, uh, grateful for you all. And, uh, Dave, I don't know if I just jumped right into it and uh, let let everyone know, but, uh, yeah. Hey guys, we want to let you know that, uh, episode 200 that you're listening to right now is our last and final episode