Hugging Leaf's Natural Sleep Patches are promoted as a melatonin-free, botanical solution for sleep disturbances, particularly those stemming from holiday stress and disrupted circadian rhythms. The patches, utilizing ingredients like hops, passionflower, and valerian root, are applied transdermally for a gradual, controlled release of calming compounds throughout the night. The episode emphasizes the patches' natural composition, gentle effects, and compatibility with a relaxing bedtime routine to facilitate a smoother transition back to regular sleep patterns after the holidays. Optimal application and environmental factors are discussed to maximize the patches' efficacy.
Want a natural sleep aid, try Hugging Leaf's NATURAL SLEEP Topical Patches (https://huggingleaf.life/s/natural-sleep)
or visit our website www.huggingleaf.com
For those interested in delving deeper into the world of dreams, you can grab your FREE copy of "Chasing and Understanding Your Dreams" here (https://www.huggingleaf.com/chasing-dreams).
Sweet Dreams!