
  • 229 - Boy Are They Drunk (S15, Ep0)

    We watch “Joy To The World” (Series 15, Episode 0) where the Doctor exposes their always simmering underlying dickishness to this episode’s titular companion Joy in order to save the world from certain death in the form of an immature Star Seed (takes a deep breath...). Whilst said self-discovery is occurring, the Doctor has a ‘gap year’ with shoulda-been-companion Anita, Joy is treated poorly shortly before sacrificing herself while several other people also die, and we’re supposed to feel ‘joy’ for that?!? Um.. Merry Christmas?

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    1 時間 34 分
  • 228 - 5th Deja Brew - This Bad Game Of Quarters Has Gone On Ways Too Long (S1, Eps 7, 12 & 13)

    We conclude our Series One re-watch with the Satellite 5 three episode saga... whist also not-coincidentally concluding the ninth Doctor’s saga. First up is “The Long Game” where the Doctor and Rose try to impress new companion (nope) Adam by taking him to the year 200,000 yet need to rescue them all from certain death in the form of Albino Simon Pegg. Next we jump to “Bad Wolf” where the Doctor and Rose return to Satellite 5 where she finally succumbs to certain death as “The Weakest Link”... until she doesn’t (die that is). Finally, we land on the season finale “The Parting of the Ways” where Star-Lord-Rose saves only Captain Jack from certain death, yet ensures the ninth Doctor regenerates into the sexier (for some) 10th Doctor.

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    1 時間 18 分
  • 227 - Fourth Deja Brew 4 - No YOU Have Mummy Issues (S1, Eps 9 & 10)

    Rejoin us on our re-watch of nearly 20 year old Nu-Who! So on this podcast episode we watch two episodes which happen to be one singular story. First is "The Empty Child" where the Doctor tries to impress Rose by taking her to London during the Blitz whilst rescuing her from certain death in the form of the creepiest preschooler ever. Next is "The Doctor Dances" where the Doctor and Rose rescue a hospital ward from certain death in the form of overly literal nanobots. Did I mention Jack Harkness shows up? Captain Jack for the re-win!

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    1 時間 12 分
  • 226 - The Third Deja Brew - No YOU Have Daddy Issues (S1, Eps 6 & 8)

    Whaaa? We’re rewatching the first season of the Doctor Who reboot? Serially... like you don’t know at this point? So rejoin us yet again as we re-discuss “Dalek” where the Doctor tries to impress Rose by taking Rose to a museum and rescues Rose from certain death in the form of the Doctor’s oldest enemy. Then we regather together to yammer on about "Father's Day" where the Doctor rescues Rose from certain death in the form of her wrongly living father. Did Rose cause both episodes’ stories to occur? Perhaps. Are we OK with that? Daddy like!

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    1 時間 12 分
  • 225 - Deja Brew II - A Toast To Our Dysfunctional Family (S1, Eps 4, 5 & 11)

    We continue our re-watch of series one with the arc featuring the Slitheen family from Raxacoricofallapatorius: “Aliens of London” where the Doctor and Rose watch an alien ship crash into the Thames and need to be rescued from certain death in the form of corpulent farting aliens, “World War Three” where they are rescued from certain death by Mickey... yes that Mickey... after discovering said farting aliens want to sell off Earth’s charred planetary remains, and “Boom Town” where the Doctor and Rose save Cardiff from certain death from that one surviving farting alien. Coulda used a certain gas mask from a certain empty child whilst all that farting was going on. Spoilers... and um spoilers for “spoilers” sweeties!

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    1 時間 32 分
  • 224 - Deja Brew I - This Vintage Rosé Seems Familiar (S1, Eps 1-3)
    Join us as we begin a re-watch for the series-one-Christopher-Eccleston-starring Doctor Who reboot. This podcast episode features: “Rose” where the Doctor rescues shop girl Rose Tyler from certain death in the form of CGI plastic and it's army of killer mannequins, “The End of the World” where the Doctor tries to impress Rose by taking her to Earth five billion years in the future and rescues her from certain death in the form of our exploding sun, and lastly “The Unquiet Dead” where the Doctor, having taken Rose to the far future, now tries to impress her by taking her to the recent past and rescues her from certain death in the form of alien possessed corpses. Whilst this description may be 78% recycled, this episode is certified 99% fresh by Rotten Tomatoes!
    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間 25 分
  • 223 - Relapse 9.5: 5 Doctors, a Reporter, and a Brigadier Walk Into a Bar

    We watch the last half of “The Five Doctors”, the 20th anniversary special that posits the eternal query: “If Tom Baker can’t be bothered to show up, is it really all that special?” As we ponder that question, the Doctor encounters (yet doesn’t recognize) his childhood bestie, the Doctor encounters phantom companions he shouldn’t know that they shouldn’t recognize him, the Doctor encounters a clumsily-plot-necessary Sarah Jane Smith, the Doctor encounters unused filmed footage, all whilst the then current Doctor saves the day after encountering all that prior stuff (spoilers...?). My brain still hurts trying to make sense of the plot more that forty years after the original airing.

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    1 時間 3 分
  • 222 - Relapse 9.0: Who Got Wasted At The Reunion

    We watch the first two episodes of the 20th anniversary serial “The Five Doctors” in which the Doctors and their assorted companions get transmatted to the infamous Death Zone on Gallifrey... but none of them actually die? As said surviving is going down, the Doctor acts sexist, the Doctor attends the Brig’s poorly attended retirement party, the Doctor drags Sarah Jane behind Bessie, the Doctor gets stuck in the transporter buffer (that’s for you Trekkies), all whilst the Doctor is going through a “phase”. And that’s about as clear as the plot was to me.

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    57 分