Our guest today is none other than Pastor Dr. Steve Bezner. Dr. Bezner is senior pastor of Houston Northwest Church in Houston, Texas. He is a local leader and participant in Multi-Faith Neighbors Network, where he builds bridges with Muslims and Jews, and he serves on the board of the Houston Church Planting Network. He also trains church planters through Glocalnet, serves on the executive committee of Texas Baptists, and is an adjunct professor at George W. Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University. His new book, Your Jesus is Too American, he notes that the American church faces a discipleship crisis. Instead of following the values of Jesus, many Christians are chasing after what our culture prizes: power, money, and political influence. Bezner invites Christians to rediscover what Jesus treasured and incorporate those kingdom values into the church's witness.
Show Notes: Your Jesus is Too American book
Steve Bezner website
Bold Love Podcast Website
About Bob Roberts Jr
GlocalNet Website
Multi-Faith Neighbors Network