Magic of Cozies Podcast is a podcast for the book lover of magic, paranormal, and fantasy cozies.
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Dominique is the author of The Deadly Exclusives Trilogy and The Silver Screen Coven Series. She is a journalism graduate from Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. When not reading or writing, she likes to do yoga, drink margaritas, incessantly quote Friends and listen to rap while doing mundane household chores.
Where to find Dominique Daoust:
Website: https://www.dominiquedaoustauthor.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dominique.daoust/
Dominique’s 4th book in The Silver Screen Coven Series, Mischief Nightmares, is out now! Find it at Amazon.com, https://a.co/d/fIKM7WG