• America as Paradise? Part of Making A Bestselling Novel?

    We’ve started a series of paid and free posts about writing bestsellers. Our first post about this is here.

    In James Hall’s book, HIT LIT, he looks at twelve top-selling novels and tries to find similarities to their success.

    One thing that he found in the twelve novels is the theme of “America as paradise.”

    He writes, “America-as-paradise, an idea that so powerfully shapes our national identity, is one of the key motifs.”

    Despite the decade the story was written in, he and his students, he wrote, kept discovering the motif of America as a lost Eden.

    “American readers have a powerful hankering for stories grounded in the earth itself,” he writes. “Surely, part of this hunger is connected to one of our central national myths—America as the new Eden. A land of second chances, fresh beginnings in the virginal wilderness.”

    Blame it on the Puritans, maybe, but Americans have traditionally been into making novels into bestsellers if they talk about this.

    Often, the story has to do with getting back to this golden land that the hero or heroine has been cast out of or alienated from. Think Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With the Wind trying to get back to her vision of the South and Tara, her home. Think Michael Corleone in the Godfather cast out of the family and its golden promise.

    That longing to go back to the way things were (a more innocent time, a more accepting family or culture, a place of safety) is a common aspect in American hit novels.

    Alfred Kazin says way back in On Native Grounds (1956), a lot of American literature “rests upon a tradition of enmity to the established order, more significantly a profound alienation from it.”

    You can see this happen in the books that have sold over 100 million novels as well

    The English books: A Tale of Two Cities, the first Harry Potter, And Then There Were None, The Hobbit, and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland all have the loss of innocence or place and then the desire to get back to it or at least some mourning of it.

    These are English novels, though. The top-selling American novels are the Da Vinci Code and The Bridges of Madison County, both selling over 80 million copies. Both involve protagonists who lose their safe worlds and lean into something secret, something complicated, across large vistas and settings.


    Go to your greener pastures and escape the rodeo, but also be okay with coming back home to where it’s safe, too.


    It’s from the AP


    The music we’ve clipped and shortened in this podcast is awesome and is made available through the Creative Commons License.

    Here’s a link to that and the artist’s website. Who is this artist and what is this song? It’s “Summer Spliff” by Broke For Free.


    Do you want to take a little online course, learn with me as your writing coach, buy some art or listen to our podcasts? Or give me a buck and read unpublished books on Patreon?

    Just CLICK ON THIS LINK and find out how we can interact more


    It’s my last time teaching Write, Submit, Support at the Writing Barn. It’s online. It’s six-months. It’s a kick-butt program. Come hang out with me and a few other writers for six...

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  • Tick…Tick…Tick…Using Time to Make a Hit Novel

    So, last week was Shaun’s birthday. Yay, Shaun!

    We’ve started a series of paid and free posts about writing bestsellers. Our first post about this is here.

    And today, we’re talking about a main element in writing a hit novel. Some people call it The Big Clock. Some people call it a Ticking Clock. Some people call it The Timer. Dramatic theory is fancy and calls it a Timelock, but basically, it’s the ticking bomb, a known and harsh deadline that your character has before it all explodes in her face.

    Glen C. Strathy explains, “The technique is to give the protagonist a set amount of time by which to achieve the Story Goal or else suffer the consequence. Generally, you create tension by not allowing your protagonist to achieve the goal until the very last second (which is also the crisis of the story). We call this type of limit a ticking clock.”

    So, examples might be:

    1. You only have until 4 p.m. to get the antidote to your zombie hamster Ham-Hammy-Ham-Ham before he is a zombie forever.
    2. An evil group of cheese-loving bunnies will eat ALL THE CHEESE IN THE WORLD if they don’t receive 3,000 pounds of gouda by nightfall.
    3. A puppy-nado is coming in three hours and you have to evacuate the town of Bar Harbor before then. WILL YOU MAKE IT IN TIME? Actually, do you want to?

    Strathy also calls this “an excellent way to keep your plot under control. For instance, if you give your characters a 24-hour ticking clock, you know all the events of your story must take place within that timeframe.”

    It’s a way to keep your plot from going all wild and willy-nilly.

    Cool, right?

    James W. Hall calls it an “ever moving second hand” that “raises the anxiety level.”


    Dogs use the time element constantly. Whining and returning to your goal, always upping the want and stakes help.



    Holiday Issue (V4 I3): Holiday Noods

    HOLIDAY NOODS is our 2024 winter holiday theme. Give us your best holiday fails (any December holiday, from Hannukah, to Solstice, to NYE, etc.) or your best funny work about noodles that happens to ALSO be holiday-themed in some way. The point of the end-of-year issue is always to be light-hearted to downright silly.

    Submissions close OCTOBER 15, 2024 and the issue publishes DECEMBER 1, 2024.


    Submission link is here.


    What is the status quo as your novel starts?

    Got it?

    What changes it?


    Got it from here.


    The music we’ve clipped and shortened in this podcast is awesome and is made available through the Creative Commons License. <...

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  • The Absolutely Simplest Plot Structure Ever

    A lot of the writers I teach get really freaked out about structure. They go on multiple craft book journeys trying to find the structure that resonates with them, the one that gives them that beautiful a-ha moment. Who can blame them?

    Don't we all want that beautiful a-ha moment?

    They learn about pinch points, rising action, falling action, subplots, inciting incidents, midpoints, themes, narrative arc, emotional arc, hamster zombies (just kidding) and they hyperventilate along the way.

    There is no reason to hyperventilate if this way of looking at writing structure doesn’t work for your brain. You can simplify it a lot with no zombie hamsters involved.


    Here is the simplest structure choice.

    • You have a character.
    • Your character has a problem. Let everyone reading know she has a problem.
    • How will she solve it?
    • Make her try to solve it.
    • Make her fail.
    • Make her try to solve it again.
    • Make her fail again.
    • Do this until near the end (¾'s in) and make everything seem absolutely hopeless.
    • Let her solve the damn problem.
    • Let her rejoice.

    How many times should she try?

    In our Western culture, we like the number three for some reason. I'm personally more of a fan of the number four. But we authors tend to give the main character three big attempts to solve her issue before we let her succeed. We're mean like that.

    Make it tougher

    We call this the rising action, but basically it means that each time she tries to fix things, it should be harder, there should be more at risk, she should be more desperate and emotionally invested. We, the readers, should also be more invested as it goes along.

    When the attempt fails, the tension gets a bit mellower until it rises again even higher for the second and third attempts. It becomes a pattern.

    That's It - The Simplest Plot Structure Ever

    Really. It's a pretty simple plot structure but it works. No, I didn't mention inciting incidents and midpoints and other things, because this is the simple plot structure. Key word: simple.

    But, don't forget that even with the simplest of plot structures, the point of the story is to have it make sense. When your character does something, let there be consequences that logically move us to the next part of the story. Remember cause and effect? That's important to us writers.


    Pogie says to just keep trying.


    Shenandoah. Genre: Fiction. Payment: $80 per 1000 words of prose up to $400. Deadline: Opens September 10, 2024, and closes when they reach capacity.

    The Last Line. Genre: Fiction that ends with the last line provided. Payment: $20-$40. Deadline: October 1, 2024.


    This is via Reedsy:

    The Outsider

    “If you're working on a novel or short story, write a pivotal scene from an outside observer's perspective who has no role in the story.


    Thanks to all of you who keep listening to our weirdness on the DOGS ARE SMARTER THAN PEOPLE podcast as we talk about random thoughts, writing advice and life tips. We’re sorry we laugh so...

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  • Show, Don't Tell, Baby Face Cutie Pie Cutie

    We talked about this a long while ago, and I've revisited it, too, but it's time, my writing friends, to revisit it.

    So in writing one of the biggest tips that you start hearing starts in around third grade and it’s “SHOW DON’T TELL.”

    And it’s sound writing advice, but it’s pretty sound life advice, too.

    How many of us have heard the words, “I love you,” but never seen the actions that give proof to the words? You can tell someone you love them incessantly for hours, but if you don’t show them it, too, it’s pretty likely that the words aren’t going to rock that person’s world.

    Telling is like this:

    Shaun was a hotty.

    Showing is like this:

    Carrying four grocery bags and a kitten, biceps bulging, Shaun walked through the parking lot, approaching a couple of older men. The smaller man gawped at Shaun, staring at his chest, the kitten, the bags, the biceps.

    “Wow,” the man said, pivoting as Shaun strode by. “Just wow.”

    The man licked his lips. His partner hit him in the back of the head lightly and said, “I am right here.”

    What Does This Mean?

    Both examples illustrate that Shaun is a hotty, but one states it as fact (telling) and one elucidates with examples (description, reaction, action).

    Here’s One More Quick Example


    The lawyer liked to use big words to impress people.


    Carpenter stuck his thumbs into the waist of his pants, lowered his voice and said, “Pontification is one of the more mirthful and blithe aspects of the judical system.”


    In life, you want to show too, not just tell all the time.

    You can say, “I love you.”

    You can also grab someone’s hand and say, “I love you.”

    You can also scoff and turn away and step on an ant and say, “I love you.”


    The actions matter. Showing matters.


    Showing and telling simultaneously in life (not writing) works to get treats.

    Random THought Link

    It's right here.


    The music we’ve clipped and shortened in this podcast is awesome and is made available through the Creative Commons License.

    Here’s a link to that and the artist’s website. Who is this artist and what is this song? It’s “Summer Spliff” by Broke For Free.


    We have a podcast, LOVING THE STRANGE, which we stream biweekly live on Carrie’s Facebook and Twitter and YouTube on Fridays. Her Facebook and Twitter handles are all carriejonesbooks or carriejonesbook. But she also has extra cool content focused on writing tips here.

    Carrie is reading one of her raw poems every once in awhile on CARRIE DOES POEMS. And there you go! Whew! That’s a lot!

    Type your email…



    Thanks to all of you who keep listening to our weirdness on the DOGS ARE SMARTER THAN PEOPLE podc...

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  • What Do Readers Want and the Kentucky Meat Shower Incident

    Readers want questions that they’ll get answers to.

    They want to be hooked along.

    They want to unwrap the answer the way people unwrap a birthday present.

    That’s what Robert Prince says, anyway, writing in his class at the University of Alaska, ”The key to understanding what audiences really want in a story is to understand that the audience doesn’t want to know everything they need to know when they need to know it! They want questions that get answered later. Questions are what intrigue audiences and keep them sticking around because they care about the answers. Every time you answer a question in your story, you better quickly come up with a new question or already have others that need answering.

    “Consider Christmas or birthday parties, for example. Why do we wrap the presents? That’s ridiculous. It’s a lot of extra work, you have to buy this paper that you only throw away, and it gets ripped off almost immediately after the person sees it! Spock would have a heck of a time figuring out why we do that. We do it because we love questions. We love questions. We love questions. Few things fascinate us more than an unanswered question. Heck, they basically named a long-running, rebooted TV series after this: Unsolved Mysteries. They could have just as well called it “Unanswered Questions” but it doesn’t have the same dramatic appeal. We wrap presents because the wrapping paper turns a Lego set into a question and a question is more fun than a Lego set, believe it or not. The wrapping paper makes us ask, “What could be in there? Is it what I asked for? Is it something else? Is it cool? It could be almost anything!””

    We talk about this today in the podcast. Plus, a random thought and the below dog tip.


    Find a good question to snuggle with.


    Our random thoughts about the Kentucky Meat Shower of 1876 are sourced from here and here.


    The music we’ve clipped and shortened in this podcast is awesome and is made available through the Creative Commons License.

    Here’s a link to that and the artist’s website. Who is this artist and what is this song? It’s “Summer Spliff” by Broke For Free.


    We have a podcast, LOVING THE STRANGE, which we stream biweekly live on Carrie’s Facebook and Twitter and YouTube on Fridays. Her Facebook and Twitter handles are all carriejonesbooks or carriejonesbook. But she also has extra cool content focused on writing tips here.

    Carrie is reading one of her raw poems every once in awhile on CARRIE DOES POEMS. And there you go! Whew! That's a lot!

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  • The Elements of Storytelling: The Atomic Bomb Test

    Author, podcaster and professor Robert Prince has this thing he does when he watches a movie: the Atomic Bomb test.

    “After I’ve watched about 20 minutes of the film I ask myself, ‘If an atomic bomb were to go off and destroy everyone in this film, would I care all that much?’ If the answer is no, I don’t keep watching the film,” he says in his class at the University of Alaska.

    He has this test because to make your reader keep reading, they have to care what happens to the characters in the story.

    This is true in real life, too, right? When we interact with people, most of us have levels of caring. We might worry and care more about our parent or child when they drop the ice cream carton on their instep than about the random guy in the frozen dairy section of the grocery store when he does it.

    But, if that guy starts tearing up, maybe is standing above the ice cream splattered all across the store’s scuffed tile floor and says, “This was for my mom. She’s dying and she asked for rocky road ice cream. This is the last rocky road ice cream!”

    Well, yeah, we might care a bit more.

    “A key component to storytelling is getting your audience to care about what happens to the characters in your story,” Prince says. “People stick around to hear the end of stories because they have grown to care about the people in the story and want to know what happens to them. If you’ve ever cried when a character died in a movie, then the filmmakers did an awesome job of making you care about the people in that film.”

    The question becomes how to do that.

    According to Prince, “you can make people care about the characters in your story by describing them well enough that your audience can picture them and recognize them as a certain type of person--maybe like someone they already know. How old are they? What do they look like? What kind of personality do they have? Do they have any particularly unique traits or mannerisms? This is why written news stories about people tend to include some seemingly odd and superficial facts about them at first. Those facts are not included because the reporter is particularly superficial. The reporter included those facts because they know you will not be as invested in what happened to that person if you cannot picture them in your mind.”

    Empathy, however, isn’t just built on perfection. We wouldn’t care as much about that grocery store guy with his ice cream if he’d just done the right things, expressed no emotion, and there was a clean up on aisle twelve.

    Empathy builds off flaws and human worth, those virtues we love. It’s why Blake Snyder has “Save the Cat” as a trope and an inspiration. We care more about characters who save the cat or the puppy or even the zombie hamster.

    “Flaws make characters relatable, more human, and feel a little more like underdogs,” Prince writes. “This is why James Bond has to get beat up in every 007 movie. That’s how the filmmakers show us he is human so we can relate better to him. It’s the same reason Superman has kryptonite. We feel for characters when we see that they have some sort of weakness.”

    And that other part is the struggle. We empathize with characters that are having a hard time getting what they want.

    So to help your readers empathize with your characters you want to pass that Atomic Bomb test and you do that by . . .

    1. Good description and unique mannerisms
    2. Flaws
    3. Human worth/virtues
    4. Struggles


    Be lik...

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  • Five Quick Ways To Get Story Ideas

    Brainstorming . . . Even the word sounds a little creepy. Like there is a storm inside your brain. It sounds... It sounds sort of violent and hazardous and windy. In this podcast, we talk about the storms inside our brain and how those storms can become story ideas.

    Five Ways To Get Story Ideas

    Some authors have a really hard time just getting an idea for a new story. They burn out. They can't find anything that they think is 'good enough.' They just don't know where to start and that lack of a start makes them blocked.

    This is so sad! There are ways to fight it.

    One Way To Storm is BY Admiring Other's Work

    Think about ways that other people's stories influence you. If you're an Outlander fan, think about why. If you were to write your own kind of time travel story would it be like that? With a lot of spanking and stuff? Or something totally different. How would it be different?

    Another Way to Incite a Hailstorm of Questions

    Ask your self questions. It's all about 'What if?' What if Trump wasn't president in 2018? What if everyone had blue hair? What if the earth had two moons? What if dogs were really space aliens?

    Pogie the Dog: Wait. You mean they aren't?

    Carrie the Human: No, buddy... I mean... I don't think so?

    Third Way Where the Wind Is So Strong It Pushes Images into you

    Some of my best ideas have come on a treadmill watching the country music network or MTV or some random YouTube channel with the sound off and just seeing images. Eventually, an image will hit me so hard that I have to write a story about it. The happened with my story, Love (and Other Uses for Duct Tape).

    Fourth Way Of Icy Understanding

    Figuring things out. This is sort of like Another Way, but instead of deliberately asking yourself off-the-wall questions, ask questions about things that matter to you.

    A lot of my stories are because I don't understand something. Tips on Having a Gay (Ex) Boyfriend was because I couldn't understand a hate crime that had happened. I mean, you can never understand that kind of hate, but this one incident was so bizarre that the only way I could deal with it was to write my way through it.

    Fifth Way—An Emotional Blizzard

    Get emotional. What is it that always makes you laugh, cry with joy, weep with anger? What are the situations that pull at your heartstrings? Think about that as story. Write.

    Dog Tip for Life

    Inspiration is just attention. Notice what's around you. Then ideas will come.

    Writing Tip of the Pod

    Once you have your seed of information and your brain has successfully stormed, don't second guess your idea. Write it down. If you are a plot-first writer, think up the questions to flesh out your idea - who is the protagonist. What is she up against? What's her goal? How is she going to get it? Write it down. Do it. Don't block yourself.


    APA article NPR


    The music we’ve clipped and shortened in this podcast...

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