I would like to consider this episode a pop-up episode. Nevertheless, I am so happy to be back!
Now.. at this point we know that New Age Spirituality is a compilation of multiple religions that ultimately breeds its own doctrine and religious theologies. Today we are going to go over one of the faiths that it appropriates as its main attention-grabbing philosophy: ALL RELIGIONS OR PATHS LEAD TO THE SAME DESTINATION. Or that every religion has a piece of truth in it, therefore it's all true. I will briefly describe distinctions with each faith and how some contradictions, no matter how enticing it may sound to an itching ear, just cannot coexist as objective truth. Multiple beliefs are definitely real and can coexist, but as far as creation theology, eschatology, and spiritual dynamic, there has to be a line drawn. And I intend to cross it. REAL doesn't exactly mean something is TRUE.