We are continuing the City Renewal Series that we started as a family back in September. We are not just talking about cities being renewed; we are seeing the drip of revival, the glimpses of heaven on earth, the parts of promises answered, of prayers being fulfilled, and life being restored. This week we are in chapters 2-4 as we continue to read the book of Joshua for life transformation. The first scene is when two spies enter Jericho, and one woman—out of everyone living there—has the ability to discern that the atmosphere has shifted and risks everything to invite God’s favored people into her home. This invitation ultimately saves her and her family. She operates in the same spirit Caleb and Joshua did in the past. The same spirit is needed today. In chapter 3, the much-anticipated crossing of the Jordan occurs, and we see the priests lead the way. Nothing will happen in our city until you lead the way because we are the priesthood today. In Chapter 4, all of Israel crosses. This promise is for the entire family. Monuments will stoke our remembrance of God’s presence, and we will experience the promises of God, and the fear of the LORD will rest in our hearts.
You can find this weeks sermon notes and groups guide here: https://gracechurchsp.org/groupsguide/
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Fill the city with Jesus. This is the vision not just for our church, but for our people. The city is not just a physical location, but a collection of our family members, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. How can you bring Jesus to your city?
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