On this episode, Tomas continues his discussion with two expert guests about learning areas and how they are proving effective and essential in developing high-reliability organizations.
Host: Tomas Villanueva, DO, MBA, FACPE, SFHM Senior Principal, Performance Improvement Consulting Vizient
Guests: Suzanne Miller, MSN, RN Senior Consulting Director, Reliability and Management Systems Vizient
Katerie Chapman, MHA Senior Principal, Safe and Reliable Healthcare Vizient
Show Notes:
[00:41] Who engages in learning areas?
[03:17] A flood of kudos in the ED – an example of lifting morale
[05:10] Team participation in barcode scanning – an example of improving compliance
[07:02] A resource for senior leaders
[07:55] A safety concern that, once identified, was quickly corrected
[08:44] Real-time nature of rounding and issue resolution
Links | Resources:
To contact Modern Practice: modernpracticepodcast@vizientinc.com
Vizient Safe and Reliable Healthcare site: Click here
Suzanne’s email: suzanne.miller@vizientinc.com
Katerie’s email: katerie.chapman@vizientinc.com
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