"I speak unto you this day and I ask you, will you determine your destiny to be always with Me, or will you allow the enemy to get you centered on the world? My people must determine within themselves each day that it is Me that they will choose to serve, to obey, and follow after. I absolutely do not find pleasure in a people who are living in estrangement from Me and going after the ways of the heathen because they are double minded.
Those who will allow themselves to be lured into the world, are not loving Me with all of their hearts."
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JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the only Savior from sin and the power of the devil. He is God in the flesh -- the Only One who has come to die for you and me, to pay the penalty of our sins and empower us by His Holy Spirit to live a victorious life above sin! He can help you, and He will, if you just turn to Him. Turn from all known sin, turn to Jesus, pray for forgiveness for your sins and that God will fill you and baptize you in His Holy Spirit, and He will.
Trust God! Pray, read the Bible daily, and OBEY what God's Spirit shows you. It is a lifelong journey in being made more and more like Jesus, so don't be discouraged and NEVER quit. REPENT daily, love Jesus, and do the best you can to serve Him each day. He will ALWAYS be with you to help you as you fight the battle to choose what is right and keep yourself in Him!
Please contact us if you need prayer, and we will respond as quickly as we can. If you have questions about the Bible, we will respond as best as we can. Use the Buzzsprout chat or email us.