Roman 8:10-13 The Death of The Flesh This morning I want to start by saying that the flesh is the biggest struggle we all face, whether it is our sinful nature or the most common thing that keeps us from being in tune with the Holy Spirit. I know we have been to the Book of Romans recently, but not these verses. There is a lot to unpack here, so let's dive in. The flesh is a deep connection to the sinful nature we are all born with. The Greek word for flesh, sarx, is often used to refer to human sinfulness. The flesh, in itself apart from the blood of Jesus, is wicked and vulnerable to the enemy. Let's look at these verses one by one. Verse 7 talks about being carnally minded. Verse 8 tells us that if we are in the flesh, we cannot please God. Verse 9 says that if we are not in the flesh but in the spirit, the spirit is in us, and if we don't have the spirit, we are none of His.
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