An overview of the upcoming week through the rest of the Yamim Norim/Days of Awe, 5783! Both Mercury and Pluto station Direct, and Kol Koreh - the Call for Justice - rings out between heaven and earth. As above, so below!
Plus: Register for
Jewish Astrological Insights into 5783
With “Astrolojew” Lorelai Kude
Monday October 24, 2022
12 Noon Pacific / 3pm Eastern / 10pm Israel time via Zoom
$18 Register at https://tinyurl.com/4zx69uk8
This 90-minute presentation will be recorded. All who register will receive the recording link.
Join “Astrolojew” Lorelai Kude for a deep dive into the astrology of the Jewish Year 5783, and the solar year of 2023. We will examine our place in the 19-year calendrical cycle, how we progressing as the “Pey” (80’s ) decade unfolds, and the secret of “Gimel” (5783 = taf shin pey gimel), and Jupiter / Tzedek (created by the Hebrew letter Gimel according to the Sefer Yetzirah), in relation to this new year. We will also look at an overview of the upcoming planetary motions throughout the rest of 2022 and all of 2023, the eclipse cycles, significant transits, the shift of the Lunar Node cycle from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra, and other celestial phenomena in relation to the State of Israel, the United States, and our current cultural crisis.