Prepare (Silencio): Relax and become aware of God's presence. Prepare your heart to hear his word and his voice.
Read (Lectio): Read or listen to Isaiah 9:1–7. Listen for a word, phrase, or image that stands out.
Meditate (Meditatio): Read the passage again, focusing on the word, phrase or image that you noticed earlier. How is God speaking to your own life, your relationships, or the way you see the world? What did you notice about God? What calling is placed on God’s people?
Pray (Oratio): Read the passage again, and respond to God in prayer.
Contemplate (Contemplatio): Rest in God's presence, remembering that you are dearly loved. Then, end this time by carrying a sense of this moment into your day, remembering that God is present, to guide and send you into the world.
Read by: Carly Pruch