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Welcome to House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas!
This week we are covering chapters 22 through chapter 24! Ruhn reaches out via the crystal and gets ahold of someone who is calling him "Agent Night." Celestina calls her crew into the office to yell at Pollux and Baxian for fighting at the bar. It was filmed and is being displayed everywhere but the Asteri want to distract from it by announcing that Celestina and Ephraim will be mated on the Autumnal Equinox. Hunt and Celestina have a heart to heart about Bryce, Shahar and Hunt's former slavery. Tharion & Ithan investigate the death of a female selkie that may be related to Emile. Later on, Ruhn is taken by Reapers with a message from Apollion and it gets messy.
Join us for some cheap wine AND cheap thoughts as we deep dive into these chapters!
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