
  • Luke 6:17-26 (March 1, 2025)
    Who are the blessed ones, the happy ones? Who are those who are destined for woe? Jesus answer might surprise you. He says blessed, happy, are those who are poor, hungry, weeping and who are hated for His sake. At the same time, he says woe to those who are rich, full, laughing and popular. He came to preach good news and to take all the woes that we might receive all the blessings of His kingdom. At His resurrection was His great reversal and at His second coming will be ours. This message was preached by Pastor Erick Cobb on March 2, 2025.
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  • Luke 6:12-19 (February 23, 2025)
    Jesus has established Himself as an authoritative teacher who clearly proclaimed Himself to be the promised Messiah. Now He transitions to ministering to a multitude, but first–through prayer–chooses His 12 disciples to help Him carry on His ministry. This message was preached by Pastor Gabriel Medina on February 23, 2025.
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  • Luke 6:1-11 (February 16, 2025)
    Jesus, the Son of Man, is Lord of the Sabbath, but the religious leaders of the day were intent on accusing Jesus of violating of their extra-biblical rules for the Sabbath keeping. Jesus through His actions wanted people to know that legalism is not the gospel. Only in Christ and in His finished work on the cross will we find our true Sabbath rest. This message was preached by Pastor Erick Cobb on February 16, 2025.
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  • Luke 5:27-39 (February 9, 2025)
    Why did Jesus feast with tax collectors and sinners? In His own words, "I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance." Jesus did not come to put a patch on our manmade religion. He came to be our whole righteousness. This message was preached by Pastor Erick Cobb on February 9, 2025.
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  • Luke 5:1-26 (February 2, 2025)
    Jesus’s miracles are a foretaste of the kingdom of God, but they are also signs of His authority. He has authority over creation, authority over disease, and authority to forgive sin which was sealed on the cross. His miracles revealed His holiness, His compassion and His pardon. This message was preached by Pastor Erick Cobb on February 2, 2025.
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  • Luke 4:14-44 (January 26, 2025)
    Jesus began His ministry in Galilee following His temptation in the wilderness. He preached the Kingdom of God. He gave us a preview of the kingdom through His miracles. And Jesus announced the way into the kingdom, through grace and grace alone. This message was preached by Pastor Erick Cobb on January 26, 2025.
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  • Luke 3:23-4:13 (January 19, 2025)
    Jesus was tempted in all things as we are yet without sin. In this passage we see the Holy Spirit leading Him into the wilderness for a time of testing, to do battle with the enemy of our soul. See how Jesus overcame Satan's temptation to doubt God's love and care, to take the crown without the cross, and to abuse God's promises. And discover the implication for our lives today as He proved Himself to be our Christus Victor. This message was preached by Pastor Erick Cobb on January 19, 2025.
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  • Luke 3:1-22 (January 12, 2025)
    Why was the ministry of John the Baptist necessary to prepare a way for Jesus the Messiah? What was his message? What is it we need in order for our hearts to be ready for a Savior? This message was preached by Pastor Erick Cobb on January 12, 2025.
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