In this illuminating episode, cotton industry leaders and growers, Liz Stott and Aaron Kiely, share their stories of advocacy for their industry, and contribution to their communities.
Sitting down with host, ARLF Chief Executive Matt Linnegar, for this special conversation, Liz – deputy chair of the Cotton Australia board, and Aaron – President of the Queensland Farmers’ Federation, speak about their pathways in the cotton industry. They also reflect on the ways that a range of leadership development opportunities have shaped their understanding of how and where they can make an impact.
This rich conversation takes in everything from social license in ag to the power of a 5-year plan; the importance of mentors; and of knowing your core values.
Liz is a graduate of Course 20, and Aaron of Course 29 of the Australian Rural Leadership Program (ARLP), thanks to scholarships provided by the Cotton Research and Development Corporation. Aaron is also a graduate of the ARLF’s TRAIL Emerging Leaders Program, and of his industry’s Australian Future Cotton Leaders and Cotton20 programs. Both Aaron and Liz share a passion for building up people in agricultural industries to take the whole sector forward.
Some highlights:
- Reflections on the rare gift of constructive peer feedback
- How paying opportunities forward builds a leadership pipeline
- Appreciating that most people want to better understand farming
- Hear how Liz and Aaron have navigated ‘positional leadership’ and the everyday commitment to making a difference
- Plus Liz’s relatable insights into the parallels between leading and parenting
Our host:
Matt Linnegar is the Chief Executive of the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation. He is the former CEO of the National Farmers’ Federation, and a committed advocate for rural Australia. Currently, he’s on the board of the Telstra Foundation, Agribusiness Australia and The Leadership Network.
ARLF podcast blog
ARLF website
Cotton Research and Development Corporation
TRAIL Emerging Leaders Program
Australian Rural Leadership Program
Cotton Australia Leadership Programs
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