
  • Contrails & Cocktails – John “Grumpy” Davies
    Title: "Aircraft Appraisals and Aviation Anecdotes: A Special Christmas Episode" Host: Paula Williams, ABCI Mark Parry, Global Aircraft Group Guests: John "Grumpy" Davies, JAMM Aircraft Appraisals Episode Overview: Introduction (00:00): Paula introduces the festive theme and guests John Davies and Mark Perry, both experts in aircraft appraisal and with diverse backgrounds in aviation. Backgrounds [...]
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    34 分
  • Contrails & Cocktails – Jeff Menaged, Networker, Mixologist and Founder of Chief Executive Air
    In this episode -   Mark and Paula meet Jeffrey Menaged, owner of Chief Executive Air, and an excellent networker and mixologist!     0:00:00Hey, welcome to this week's episode of Contrails and Cocktails. Our guest this week is Jeffrey and founder of Chief Executive Air. [...]
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    39 分
  • Contrails & Cocktails – Joe Farina and Aircraft Manufacture and Maintenance
    In this episode -   Mark Parry meets up with Joe Farina, an old friend with a long history of aircraft manufacturing and maintenance "back in the day!"       Paula Williams: Paula Williams with ABCI. Thanks for joining us for Contrails & Cocktails. This [...]
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    53 分
  • Contrails & Cocktails – Michael Duke, the DBT Aircraft, and the Cocktail – “Ops Check Good”
    In this episode -   We discuss innovations in aviation, the Double Box Tail aircraft platform, and the "Ops Check Good," which is Mark's improvement on the Old Fashioned.         Transcript -   Paula Williams: Hi. I'm Paula Williams and you are watching [...]
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    37 分
  • Contrails & Cocktails – Bomber Boys & Twelve O’Clock High with John Slemp
    Highlights from this episode: We talk about John Slemp's new book, Bomber Boys and the many, amazing stories behind these iconic leather jackets and the men who wore them. We also discuss a B-17 that Mark got to climb into at the Mid-Atlantic Airshow recently, and the Gregory Peck movie, Twelve O'Clock High. [...]
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    52 分
  • Contrails & Cocktails – The Idyllic (But Adventurous) Aviation Life with Steve Short
    Talk about "Living the Dream" with   Mark Parry, Paula Williams and Steve Short Highlights from this episode: Humor is a wonderful business tool, since business is about people! If you keep making the same mistake, eventually it will bite you! If you don't HAVE to do anything right away, do nothing until [...]
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    37 分
  • Contrails & Cocktails – Aviation Law, Life Lessons a Soft Landing with Jon Morse
    Have a "Soft Landing" with  Mark Parry, Paula Williams and Jon Morse Highlights from this episode: Humor is a wonderful business tool, since business is about people! If you keep making the same mistake, eventually it will bite you! If you don't HAVE to do anything right away, do nothing until you think [...]
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    1 時間
  • Contrails & Cocktails – Aircraft Records and the “Right Flyer” with Larry Hinebaugh
    Have a "Right Flyer" with  Mark Parry, Paula Williams and Larry Hinebaugh Highlights from this episode: Larry Hinebaugh of Center for Business Aircraft Records Excellence joins us for this episode. Larry dubbed aircraft records specialists as "merchants of airworthiness" in a recent AMT article. How people will hide aircraft damage in the logbooks [...]
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    44 分