• Coming Conflict with China: Part 1-From Potential Conflict to Real Danger
    In the short span of the 21st Century, the world’s two top powers, the United States and China, have moved inexplicably toward a showdown. This evolved from a commercial competition into something more akin to permanent non-kinetic warfare. What does this mean for US business doing business in and with China? In this special 5-part podcast series, Tom Fox and Brandon Daniels, CEO of Exiger, a global leading third-party and supply chain management software company, explore issues diverse as a real danger, supply chain, exports, cyber-attacks, and IP theft from the business perspective and give the compliance and business executive their viewpoints on what you can do to not only prepare your company but protect it as well. In Part I, from potential conflict to real danger. Are your relationships headed toward conflict or real danger? Find out in this first episode of this special 5-part podcast series. In this series, Tom is joined by Brandon Daniels, who is an advocate for free markets and democracy and is passionate about providing transparency to the global corporate ecosystem. As this podcast series was being recorded, Chinese authorities arrested employees of the Mintz Group in Beijing. The Mintz Group is a well-known and well-respected international investigations firm. This is one more step in the increasing opacity of the Chinese market. They consider the economic battle being lost to Chinese companies due to their coercive tactics. How do cheap bids pose national security risks? Explore these topics and more in this episode. Key Quote- Brandon Daniels “Don’t just go with the cheap bid. Pay attention to the national security risk that a cheap bid from one of these Chinese companies could mean to your business and think differently about how you establish security in critical products.”  Key Takeaways What is the Chinese government doing to increase opacity in the Chinese market, and how is this impacting global free markets? How is the Chinese government manipulating the economics of the global market, and what implications does this have for businesses? What strategies and approaches can businesses take to ensure security and diversity in their supply chain?  Resources Exiger Tom Fox  Connect with me on the following sites: Instagram Facebook YouTube Twitter LinkedIn
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  • Coming Conflict with China: Part 2-Supply Chain Issues
    In the short span of the 21st Century, the world’s two top powers, the United States and China, have moved inexplicably towards a showdown. This evolved from a commercial competition into something more akin to permanent non-kinetic warfare. What does this mean for US business doing business in and with China? In this special 5-part series, Tom Fox and Brandon Daniels, CEO of Exiger, a global leading third-party and supply chain management software company, explore issues diverse as real danger, supply chain, exports, cyber-attacks and IP theft from the business perspective and give the compliance and business executive their viewpoints on what you can do to not only prepare your company but protect it as well. In Part II, issues in the Supply Chain, including issues of human rights, forced labor, and supply chain management in the Asia Pacific region. Obviously, the issues around Uyghur forced labor in China are an important consideration for all American businesses with supply chains in China. While that issue focuses on human rights, it is also a wider world economic issue which requires a business solution. The key is to diversify the supply of goods, investing in other countries' manufacturing capabilities in order to ensure that human rights abuses do not go unchecked. Key Highlights 1. What is the inextricable connection between human rights and economic policy when it comes to current geopolitical tensions with China? 2. How is the subjugation of Uyghurs in Xinjiang impacting the global economy? 3. What risks does reliance on China’s manufacturing pose for businesses and how can companies diversify their supply chain to mitigate them? Notable Quote "It just takes investment. It takes time, but it's an investment worth having because it provides us security, in the potential and in the ever more serious potential of a conflict with China." Resources Exiger Tom Fox  Connect with me on the following sites: Instagram Facebook YouTube Twitter LinkedIn Other episodes in this Series: Episode 1-From Potential Conflict to Real Danger
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  • Coming Conflict with China: Part 4-Cyber Spying and IP Theft
    In the short span of the 21st Century, the world’s two top powers, the United States and China, have moved inexplicably towards a showdown. This evolved from a commercial competition into something more akin to permanent non-kinetic warfare. What does this mean for US business doing business in and with China? In this special 5-part series, Tom Fox and Brandon Daniels, CEO of Exiger, a global leading third-party and supply chain management software company, explore issues diverse as real danger, supply chain, exports, cyber-attacks and IP theft from the business perspective and give the compliance and business executive their viewpoints on what you can do to not only prepare your company but protect it as well. In concluding Part IV, China's aggressive tactics to steal intellectual property, we consider the responses to protect the US's IP and how to take aggressive action against the Chinese government to seek remuneration for stolen assets. What are China's aggressive tactics in stealing intellectual property from countries all over the world. Through intelligence gathering, academic partnerships, and supply chain buyouts, China has managed to copy and counterfeit American business products and other technologies. Companies must harden their defenses and refused to stand for the IP theft by using the Rule of Law to take a stand against the theft of US intellectual property. Through a concerted effort, companies can fight back and reclaim their assets. Key Highlights 1. How is China aggressively stealing intellectual property and technology? How is counterfeiting built into the Chinese economic model? Why the Rule of Law is a critical recourse is there for companies whose intellectual property is stolen by China? Notable Quote "We foment innovation everywhere, anyone, anywhere, can be an innovator, can invent and can end up getting the rewards from that." Resources Exiger Tom Fox  Connect with me on the following sites: Instagram Facebook YouTube Twitter LinkedIn Other episodes in this Series: Episode 1-From Potential Conflict to Real Danger Episode 2-Supply Chain Issues Episode 3-Exports and Rebalancing the Global Economy
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  • Coming Conflict with China: Part 5-Good Compliance Is Good Business
    In the short span of the 21st Century, the world’s two top powers, the United States and China, have moved inexplicably towards a showdown. This evolved from a commercial competition into something more akin to permanent non-kinetic warfare. What does this mean for US business doing business in and with China? In this special 5-part series, Tom Fox and Brandon Daniels, CEO of Exiger, a global leading third-party and supply chain management software company, explore issues diverse as real danger, supply chain, exports, cyber-attacks and IP theft from the business perspective and give the compliance and business executive their viewpoints on what you can do to not only prepare your company but protect it as well. In concluding Part V, we consider the roles of governments, businesses and thought leaders in leading the US business efforts in this coming conflict. After uncovering a "constellation of disconnected issues" that are actually interconnected, Brandon Daniels must use regulation, funding and evangelism to incentivize public markets, combat the cyber threat and prevent conflict with China in order to protect national security. We discuss the importance of good compliance to good business; explore the government's role in regulating cyber security, funding infrastructure upgrades, and incentivizing public markets and the role of businessmen and thought leaders. He also noted how conflicts with China can put companies out of business and the essential role of compliance in weathering the storm. His ultimate conclusion was that "good compliance is good business." Key Highlights 1. How has the government's role changed in responding to the constellation of interconnected business and legal issues present today? What role do the public markets play in incentivizing investments in new technology and alternative energy? How can a company ensure good compliance to ensure good business? Notable Quote "Good compliance is good business - we saw that so unbelievably clearly during the pandemic, and I think we could learn something from an old adage and renew that view that good compliance process is good business process." Resources Exiger Tom Fox  Connect with me on the following sites: Instagram Facebook YouTube Twitter LinkedIn Other episodes in this Series: Episode 1-From Potential Conflict to Real Danger Episode 2-Supply Chain Issues Episode 3-Exports and Rebalancing the Global Economy Episode 4-Cyber Spying and IP Theft
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  • Coming Conflict with China: Part 3-Exports and Rebalancing the Global Economy
    In the short span of the 21st Century, the world’s top powers, the United States and China, have moved inexplicably toward a showdown. This evolved from a commercial competition into something more akin to permanent non-kinetic warfare. What does this mean for US business doing business in and with China? In this special 5-part series, Tom Fox and Brandon Daniels, CEO of Exiger, a leading global third-party and supply chain management software company, explore issues diverse as a real danger, supply chain, exports, cyber-attacks, and IP theft from the business perspective and give the compliance and business executive their viewpoints on what you can do to not only prepare your company but protect it as well. In Part III, we consider issues related to US exports to China and markets for US products if the China market is closed off to US companies. The US-China conflict is intensifying, and as a result, businesses that export to China are feeling the strain. US companies exported nearly $149 billion worth of goods to China, but China still exports over $400 billion to the US. Do these trade deficits still matter? What happens when your biggest customer is no longer available? How do you go about finding new markets and reshoring customers? Join us as we explore this and other export issues in Part 3 of this special five-part series. Key Highlights 1. The importance of balancing the US-China economic relationship in light of the current crisis. 2. How does a business consider customer location an existential risk? 3. The potential for global economic rebalancing through collaboration between democracies. Notable Quote "We have to figure out how to make this a global market and ensure that this doesn't just become some sort of nationalistic retrenchment." Resources Exiger Tom Fox  Connect with me on the following sites: Instagram Facebook YouTube Twitter LinkedIn Other episodes in this Series: Episode 1-From Potential Conflict to Real Danger Episode 2-Supply Chain Issues
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