The second of four short episodes in our mini-series on resilience for coaches. This series will focus on resilience over three key areas: the head (mental resilience); the heart (emotional resilience); and the soul (spiritual resilience).
Mental resilience can be a real test when faced with situations that seem to focus or highlight the negative and mental strength can be hard to find.
In this episode Glyn Fussell and resilience coach Jane Bytheway explore what we mean by mental resilience, discussing questions such as how can you be present and maintain your focus as a coach? And how can you adapt and change in times of uncertainty?
Jane offers tools and techniques that may help you build and maintain your mental resilience which in turn will help you support your clients.
Additional resources
Ted Talk by Michael Bungay Stanier on ‘How to Tame your Advice Monster’ https://youtu.be/Kl0rmx7aa0w
Michael Bungay Stanier - The Coaching Habit (book)
Time to Think by Nancy Kline (book)
The Coaching manual by Julie Starr (book)
Coaching for performance by John Whitemore (book)
The Oasis Seven stage model (pdf) & audiobook