On February 13th, 2017, a Malaysian pastor named Raymond Koh was kidnapped in broad daylight by a group of men in the greater Kaula Lumpur area while on his way to a friend's house. The incident was captured on CCTV cameras, providing evidence that least 15 men in three black SUVs were part of the abduction. More than seven years later, his wife Susanna continues to search tirelessly for answers regarding her husband's disappearance. Todd Nettleton, host of VOM Radio for the Voice of the Martyrs USA, has reported on the pastor’s mysterious disappearance ever since the incident took place, and then later interviewed Susanna Koh to hear her story. During this episode of Closer to the Fire, Todd joins podcast host Greg Musselman to address recent developments in the case and discuss whether Pastor Raymond may still be alive after all these years. During the interview, Todd also provides insight into the various challenges presently facing other followers of Jesus in Malaysia. Length: 27 minutes Episode Notes To watch the interview with Todd Nettleton https://vomcanada.com/cttf-videos/video/cttf-my-wheres-koh.htm To purchase your copy of Todd’s book, When Faith is Forbidden: 40 Days on the Frontline with Persecuted Christians, go to: https://store.vomcanada.org/purchase/when-faith-is-forbidden Listen to VOM Radio at: https://www.vomradio.net Voice of the Martyrs Canada: www.vomcanada.com