In this episode we take a deep dive into what the Circular Economy is and how it's different from how the world works at the moment. We ask the question, could such a model be implemented and what cultural shifts would be needed to make this possible?
I'd love to know your thoughts on this one so please feel free to share them with me!
Thanks so much for listening and if you want to contact me with any thoughts or suggestions for future episodes you can do that at:
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Sources used for this episode are:
‘Globalise the circular economy’ by Geng, Sarkis & Bleischwitz in Nature 2019, vol 565
‘Circular Economy’ by Stahel in Nature 2016, vol 531
‘The Rise of the Sharing Economy’ – Youtube
‘Explaining the Circular Economy and How Society can Re-think Progress’ – Youtube
‘The Circular Economy: A Simple Explanation | Cillian Lohan | TedxYouth’ - Youtube
Consumed, The Need for Change: Colonialism, Climate Change and Consumerism by Aja Barber
Geissdoerfer, Martin, Paulo Savaget, Nancy M. P. Bocken, and Erik Jan Hultink. 2017. 'The Circular Economy – A new sustainability paradigm?', Journal of Cleaner Production, 143: 757-68.
Korhonen, Jouni, Antero Honkasalo, and Jyri Seppälä. 2018. 'Circular Economy: The Concept and its Limitations', Ecological Economics, 143: 37-46.
Suárez-Eiroa, Brais, Emilio Fernández, Gonzalo Méndez-Martínez, and David Soto-Oñate. 2019. 'Operational principles of circular economy for sustainable development: Linking theory and practice', Journal of Cleaner Production, 214: 952-61.