
  • 'Greenwashing'

    In this episode we take a look at the concept of Greenwashing, where it started, what exactly it is and why is it a problem? Have you witnessed greenwashing in your daily life? If you're not sure have a listen and see does anything ring a bell!

    I'd love to know your thoughts on this one as always so please feel free to share them with me!

    Thanks so much for listening and if you want to contact me with any thoughts or suggestions for future episodes  you can do that at:

    @climatebreakdowns.pod or @caitlinbreen_ on Instagram, 
    @CaitlinBreen24 on Twitter
    or email me at caitlin.breen@gmail.com

    Sources used for this episode are:

    de Freitas Netto SV, Sobral MFF, Ribeiro ARB, Soares GRdL (2020) Concepts and forms of greenwashing: a systematic review. doi:10.1186/s12302-020-0300-3

    Jakubczak A, Gotowska M (2020) Green consumerism vs. greenwashing. 

    Ruiz-Blanco S, Romero S, Fernandez-Feijoo B (2021) Green, blue or black, but washing–What company characteristics determine greenwashing? doi:10.1007/s10668-021-01602-x



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    18 分
  • 'The Circular Economy'

    In this episode we take a deep dive into what the Circular Economy is and how it's different from how the world works at the moment.  We ask the question, could such a model be implemented and what cultural shifts would be needed to make this possible?

    I'd love to know your thoughts on this one so please feel free to share them with me!

    Thanks so much for listening and if you want to contact me with any thoughts or suggestions for future episodes  you can do that at:

    @climatebreakdowns.pod or @caitlinbreen_ on Instagram, 
    @CaitlinBreen24 on Twitter
    or email me at caitlin.breen@gmail.com

    Sources used for this episode are:
    ‘Globalise the circular economy’ by Geng, Sarkis & Bleischwitz in Nature 2019, vol 565

    ‘Circular Economy’ by Stahel in Nature 2016, vol 531

    ‘The Rise of the Sharing Economy’ – Youtube

    ‘Explaining the Circular Economy and How Society can Re-think Progress’ – Youtube

    ‘The Circular Economy: A Simple Explanation | Cillian Lohan | TedxYouth’ - Youtube


    Consumed, The Need for Change: Colonialism, Climate Change and Consumerism by Aja Barber

     Geissdoerfer, Martin, Paulo Savaget, Nancy M. P. Bocken, and Erik Jan Hultink. 2017. 'The Circular Economy – A new sustainability paradigm?', Journal of Cleaner Production, 143: 757-68.

     Korhonen, Jouni, Antero Honkasalo, and Jyri Seppälä. 2018. 'Circular Economy: The Concept and its Limitations', Ecological Economics, 143: 37-46.

     Suárez-Eiroa, Brais, Emilio Fernández, Gonzalo Méndez-Martínez, and David Soto-Oñate. 2019. 'Operational principles of circular economy for sustainable development: Linking theory and practice', Journal of Cleaner Production, 214: 952-61.



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    32 分
  • 'Plant-based Diets'

    In this episode we take a look at what a 'plant-based diet' is and see how it might be possible to incorporate into our lives without a drastic overhaul of all your favourite foods! I hope you enjoy the episode and feel free to message me to chat about it!

    Thank you for listening!

    Contact me with suggestions for future episodes or just to chat at:
    @climatebreakdowns.pod and @caitlinbreen_ on instagram
    Or email me at caitlin.breen@gmail.com

    Sources used for this episode are:
    Beverland, Michael B. 2014. 'Sustainable Eating', Journal of Macromarketing, 34: 369-82.

    Sabate, J., and S. Soret. 2014. 'Sustainability of plant-based diets: back to the future', Am J Clin Nutr, 100 Suppl 1: 476S-82S.

    Sadhukhan, Jhuma, Tom I. J. Dugmore, Avtar Matharu, Elias Martinez-Hernandez, Jorge Aburto, Pattanathu K. S. M. Rahman, and Jim Lynch. 2020. 'Perspectives on “Game Changer” Global Challenges for Sustainable 21st Century: Plant-Based Diet, Unavoidable Food Waste Biorefining, and Circular Economy', Sustainability, 12.

    Saget, Sophie, Marcela Costa, Carla Sancho Santos, Marta Wilton Vasconcelos, James Gibbons, David Styles, and Michael Williams. 2021. 'Substitution of beef with pea protein reduces the environmental footprint of meat balls whilst supporting health and climate stabilisation goals', Journal of Cleaner Production, 297.

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    24 分
  • 'Fast Fashion'

    In this episode we delve into the topic of fast fashion, its origins and its problems! We'll cover everything from fashion bloggers to garment workers in an effort to get a good understanding of this topic.  I hope you enjoy and feel free to message me with any thoughts on the episode.

    Thank you for listening!

    Contact me with suggestions for future episodes or just to chat at:
    @climatebreakdowns.pod and @caitlinbreen_ on instagram
    Or email me at caitlin.breen@gmail.com

    Sources for this episode are:
    Backs, Sabrina, Hermann Jahnke, Lars Lüpke, Mareike Stücken, and Christian Stummer. 2020. 'Traditional versus fast fashion supply chains in the apparel industry: an agent-based simulation approach', Annals of Operations Research, 305: 487-512.

    Bick, R., E. Halsey, and C. C. Ekenga. 2018. 'The global environmental injustice of fast fashion', Environ Health, 17: 92.

    Camargo, Lucas Ramos, Susana Carla Farias Pereira, and Marcia Regina Santiago Scarpin. 2020. 'Fast and ultra-fast fashion supply chain management: an exploratory research', International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 48: 537-53.

    Horton, Kathleen. 2019. 'Just Use What You Have: Ethical Fashion Discourse and the Feminisation of Responsibility', Australian Feminist Studies, 33: 515-29.

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    29 分
  • Intro & 'Climate Anxiety'

    Welcome to a new podcast where we take the buzzwords we hear in conversations around climate change and break down what they really mean!

    In episode one I give a bit of background on myself and on what series one of this podcast will hold and then we cover our first topic which is 'Climate Anxiety'.

    Have you ever felt stressed about climate change? Maybe you never feel stressed and don't know what all the fuss is about?  Have a listen to episode one to learn more.

    Contact me with suggestions for future episodes or just to chat at:
    @climatebreakdowns.pod and @caitlinbreen_ on instagram
    Or email me at caitlin.breen@gmail.com 

    Sources for this episode include:
    'Climate Anxiety in Young People: a call to action' from www.thelancet.com/planetary-health
    'Anxiety and the Ecological Crisis: An Analysis of Eco-Anxiety and Climate Anxiety' by Pihkala Panu from Sustainability 2020
    'Climate anxiety: Psychological responses to climate change' by Susan Clayton from Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 2020
    How To Be A Better Human podcast episode with Luisa Neubauer.

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    18 分