"Snow-White and Rose-Red" (often referred to as "Snow White and Rose Bud" in some translations) is a German fairy tale that was popularized by the Brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm. It was included in their collection "Grimm's Fairy Tales" which was first published in 1812.Description of "Snow-White and Rose-Red":In a quaint cottage nestled at the edge of a forest, a widow and her two daughters, Snow-White and Rose-Red, live a peaceful life. The sisters are distinct in nature: Snow-White is gentle and shy, resembling the quietude of a snowy day, while Rose-Red is spirited and lively, reminiscent of a blooming rose garden.One winter night, as they sit by the fire, a knock comes at their door. They find a bear seeking shelter from the cold. The kind-hearted family lets him in, and he becomes a regular guest throughout the winter. Come spring, he leaves, revealing that he is a prince under a spell, and the spell can only be broken by a wicked dwarf's death.Throughout the story, the sisters have multiple encounters with this malicious dwarf, each time saving him from various predicaments – from being caught by an eagle to being trapped by a large fish. However, his ingratitude knows no bounds, and he continues to berate and belittle them.In the climax, as the dwarf is about to harm Snow-White and Rose-Red, the bear arrives just in time to kill him and save the girls. With the dwarf's death, the spell is broken, and the bear transforms back into the prince. Snow-White marries the prince, and Rose-Red marries his brother, uniting their lives in an even deeper bond.This fairy tale, distinct from the more famous "Snow White" involving the seven dwarfs and the evil queen, is a heartwarming story that emphasizes kindness, the bonds of family, and the idea that good will always triumph over evil.