
  • The City
    Jesus calls us to be ‘salt’ and ‘light’ - to be people who seek Him and show the world His beauty and grace. As followers of Jesus filled with the Holy Spirit, we are to shine in a way that invites the world to want to find out who Jesus is.
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    53 分
  • The Mountain
    Jesus promises blessing, fulfilment, and the kingdom of heaven to those who are poor in spirit, mourn, and are persecuted for His sake. Jesus invites us to walk in His light, to truly see God and to rejoice that our reward is great in heaven.
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    48 分
  • Light Has Dawned
    Jesus begins his ministry, revealing His kingdom of light to the world. Jesus endures forty days of temptation in the wilderness before He begins to preach the good news, calls His first disciples and performs healings and miracles.
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    57 分
  • The Holy Spirit & Fire
    John the baptist prepares the way for Jesus. As Jesus is baptised in the river Jordan, the heaven’s open up and the Spirit of God descends like a dove and God declares “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”
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    53 分
  • Fulfilled
    Jesus is born, the promise fulfilled and the Saviour is here. King Herod hears of the news and, seeking to kill Jesus, wipes out all the newborn sons in Bethlehem. Joseph and Mary flee to Egypt following an angel of the Lord’s warning, before returning to Nazareth.
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    55 分
  • Generations
    God’s promise to send a Saviour to redeem Israel is made clear in the genealogy of Jesus and the generations before His birth, from Abraham to Joseph. God is faithful to save His people by sending His Son - Immanuel, God with us.
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    39 分
  • Discipleship Is: Real Prayer
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  • Discipleship Is: Doable
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