
  • Christ In The Fall EP. 2

    It didn't take long for mankind to mess up God's perfect creation. Fortunately, there is a promise of hope found even in sin's beginning.

    Reflection Questions

    • How do you see the strategies of the enemy in your life?
    • What do you think about God's grace and mercy as He kept Adam and Eve from the Tree of Life?
    • How does it impact your life to know that God has had an incredible plan since the beginning?

    Recommended Scripture Reading

    • Genesis 3
    • Romans 3:10, 3:23, 6:23
    • Luke 3-4

    Book Recommendation: https://www.amazon.com/Rest-War-Rhythms-Well-Fought-Life/dp/0785248315/ref=sr_1_1?crid=C402Q7QTSTJM&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.3Ryp0l8Mq_gaZh4pX1qHWg4ONQ17jbttjDarVm1KGpSs04r-nEuVf968O8Atuf0rR9Tw3wkoPpJ1RdcVtZKPif6Dp2BIs08IHrUKQTc3m0IPDblVd5GAL5kENazNsixOy-jMcPbNeV-rbqoCIwwfnroHHN1QP2NTOhI1rYUbH7X1hxiVUF-6pGsruP3sbxWRJ9fZajXGNEMk6MKFkMqB9UaC9iHN_-VvfrRdM-7U9dg.a00Jxnkp6qRFPPJF2svpQwEX97R9yIBFBlFLQhrZDn4&dib_tag=se&keywords=rest+and+war&qid=1736351527&sprefix=rest+and+wa%2Caps%2C111&sr=8-1

    If you'd like to reach out, send an email to Christinpodcast@gmail.com

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    13 分
  • Christ In Creation EP. 1

    This episode is the beginning, literally. Genesis is the beginning of God's great story about Jesus, so it is the perfect place to start our journey through Scripture.

    Reflection Questions

    • How does remembering the infinite power, glory, and wonder of our God impact your worship of Him?
    • How does it impact your life and self-image to know that you were created in the image of God?
    • What piece of truth from God's Word will you apply to your life in the week ahead?

    Recommended Scripture Reading

    • Genesis 1-2
    • John 1:1-5

    If you'd like to reach out, send an email to Christinpodcast@gmail.com

    続きを読む 一部表示
    12 分
  • Introduction

    Welcome to the "Christ In..." Podcast! Listen in to hear what this show is all about. God bless!

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    3 分