After a classic Agosto ferie, The Real Life in Italy is back.This episode Evelyn is going solo to chat about why she had to step away in August, that being the childcare situation in Italy. We’re covering childcare in Italy from 3 months old to 4 years, what solutions you have for daycare, and what schooling looks like from then on out. A common thread I had to point out in this overview podcast: summer vacation in Italy. Did you know essentially from July to August parents are fottuti? Schools shut down and there are limited options. On the note of long summer vacations - what does this do to Italy position in the Gender Equality Index? And did you hear that Italy wants to make summer vacation LONGER? Have a listen to this quick kick-off episode and find out more. Here’s the info on the Gender Equality Index: https://eige.europa.eu/gender-equality-index/2023/IT_______ If you enjoyed the episode, and show, please leave us a 5 ⭐️ rating, it means a lot! Thanks for listening to the Real Life in Italy. This podcast is for foreigners living in Italy, who are all just trying to make sense of it all. Listen in to learn all about a side of living in Italy everyone else forgot to tell you about. But don’t expect us all to be better, I promise. Expect some good laughs, helpful tips and cultural explanations, and expat stories to remind you that you aren’t alone, and it’ll all work out. Learn more about Evelyn at www.collineallemontagne.com www.instagram.com/collinemontagne You can show your support by buying me a glass of wine, I always appreciate it: www.buymeacoffee.com/colline