The plot thickens as Miss Sharpe's world expands in this chapter. When Miss Arlen and Lady Josephine arrive for tea, new dynamics emerge that give insight into the characters. Then, a surprise delivery from Mr. Gardiner begins a new muddle of feelings. With new characters on the scene and relationships evolving, the story takes an intriguing turn that will leave listeners eagerly anticipating the next episode. With a bundle full of paper blooms, will Alice fulfill Mr. Gardiner's assignment? Or will she balk at adding the weight to her already full schedule?
As we continue in the story, don't forget: A governess in Regency England had a tricky station - not quite a servant but not quite a member of the family. She was responsible for educating and shaping the children of wealthy families, often living in the household. It could be a lonely existence, not really fitting in upstairs or down. She had little private time and her charges dominated her life. While educated, she didn't have many prospects for marriage or independence. Her upbringing was likely genteel but her circumstances as governess were reduced. Still, becoming a governess was one of the few respectable options for an unmarried, gently bred woman to support herself.
If you're enjoying the story but are impatient to hear the whole thing in full, you can purchase the discounted audiobook directly from the author at authorsallybritton.store, or anywhere else audiobooks are sold. You can even request it at your local library! Don't forget to like and subscribe, too, so you don't miss upcoming episodes!