Chapter 3: A Spectator in a World That Has Vanished
"Several different scenes come to my mind as I stroll on memory lane and I am always watching as a spectator because I was too young and, in some cases, my Mom thought I was too delicate and she was afraid I would get hurt if I actually did something." (Introduction to the chapter that did not get recorded)
Chapter 3 of "My Memories" by Lucina Gibson
First Draft
Scene 1 - Threshing
Scene 2 – Braiding Corn
Scene 3 – The Animals Come in
Scene 4 - Making Bread
Scene 5 - Raccannare le Patate
Scene 6 – A Sad Story
Scene 7 – Baby Brother
Scene 1 - Xavier Gibson (Age 13)
Scene 2 – Aletheia Gibson (Age 15)
Scene 3 – Xavier Gibson
Scene 4 - Charis Gibson (Age 16)
Scene 5 - Charis Gibson
Scene 6 – Amanda Gibson (Age Redacted)
Scene 7 – Amanda Gibson