• Captain Flashman: Defender of the Universe

  • 著者: David Healey
  • ポッドキャスト

Captain Flashman: Defender of the Universe

著者: David Healey
  • サマリー

  • Captain Flashman: Defender of the Universe is an episodic satire of 1930s sci-fi radio serial cliffhangers and is updated monthly. Listen in as Captain Flashman, his fiancée, paramour and main squeeze Eve Arden and world renowned scientist Doctor Katrina Krakow fight malicious mischief-makers, rapacious rapscallions and earnest evildoers bent on the earth's destruction. So put off those pesky errands to another day and instead listen closely as this audio cartoon unfolds before your very ears and Captain Flashman once again saves the universe.
    "Stellar performances... great listen" - Atlanta Fringe Audio

    © 2025 Captain Flashman: Defender of the Universe
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Captain Flashman: Defender of the Universe is an episodic satire of 1930s sci-fi radio serial cliffhangers and is updated monthly. Listen in as Captain Flashman, his fiancée, paramour and main squeeze Eve Arden and world renowned scientist Doctor Katrina Krakow fight malicious mischief-makers, rapacious rapscallions and earnest evildoers bent on the earth's destruction. So put off those pesky errands to another day and instead listen closely as this audio cartoon unfolds before your very ears and Captain Flashman once again saves the universe.
"Stellar performances... great listen" - Atlanta Fringe Audio

© 2025 Captain Flashman: Defender of the Universe
  • Ring Bombs and Other Space Oddities

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    With Dr Commander, Dr Krakow and her rescue army having retreated into a cave and holding Cerulean’s forces at bay using a wall of ice Dr Commander, Dr Krakow conjured to seal the entrance to the cave, Major Tom finally escapes with vital information that could free Dr Commander, Dr Krakow and her army. Simultaneously Chief Magician Carl, still smarting from Queen Cerulean’s neglect, has vowed vengeance on Captain Flashman and plans to kill him in the upcoming battle. Will Chief Magician Carl’s jealousy doom Captain Flashman? Will Major Tom’s information save Dr Commander, Dr Krakow and her rescue army? And will Eve and Captain Credo ever be freed from their evil kitchen duties?

    Episode Website: https://captainflashmandefenderoftheuniverse.buzzsprout.com

    To keep up to date on all Captain Flashman news, follow him on Facebook and Instagram. This Episode Stars:

    Gene Abella as Captain Credo and Unnamed Soldier Melyssa Ade as Little Chester and Khan The Cruel’s Guard Kristina Agosti as Queen Cerulean Sam Agro as The Announcer and Chief Magician Carl Sean Browning as Captain Flashman and Major Tom Dave Healey as the Slave, Khan The Cruel and a Soldier Vicki Jenkins as Dr Krakow &nbs

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    Captain Flashman Fighting Evil Since 2023

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    29 分
  • Do Antagonists Dream Of Electric Whips?

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    With Captain Credo, Eve Arden and Major Tom unable to establish contact with Dr Commander, Dr Krakow and her rescue army on their space phone, they decide to send Major Tom to meet up with her in the hopes that she can rescue them and the double-drugged Captain Flashman from the evil clutches of Queen Cerulean. Will Major Tom make good his escape and rendezvous with Dr Commander, Dr Krakow? Will Dr Commander, Dr Krakow’s rescue army be able to Free Captain Credo and Eve? And most of all will she be able to extricate Captain Flashman from his drug induced flirtation with evil?

    Episode Website: https://captainflashmandefenderoftheuniverse.buzzsprout.com

    To keep up to date on all Captain Flashman news, follow him on Facebook and Instagram.

    This episode stars:
    Gene Abella as Captain Credo and Guard With Carl’s New Cordless Electrical Whip
    Melyssa Ade as Little Chester and the Lieutenant
    Sam Agro as the Announcer and Chief Magician Carl
    Sean Browning as Captain Flashman and Major Tom
    Dave Healey as the Soldier
    Vicki Jenkins as Dr Krakow
    Jane Luk as Queen Cerulean and several Traumatized Babies
    Ann McDougall as Eve Arden
    Music by Jeff Rosenthal
    Produced, Directed, and Written by Dave Healey
    Recorded, Mixed, and Sound Design by Dave Healey
    Cast Website

    © Dave Healey 2025

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    Captain Flashman Fighting Evil Since 2023

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    32 分
  • Captain Flashman Holiday Episode- Holiday Bonus Special

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    Captain Flashman: Defender of the Universe is taking a break for the holidays however, in its place, we offer this special holiday episode. So set your dial to fun, sit back and let the evil merriment of intergalactic wicked fun begin.

    Episode Website: https://captainflashmandefenderoftheuniverse.buzzsprout.com
    To keep up to date on all the Captain Flashman news, follow him on Facebook and Instagram.
    This episode stars Sam Agro and Dave Healey.
    Music by Jeff Rosenthal.
    Produced, Directed and Written by Dave Healey.
    Recorded, Mixed and Soundscape Design by Dave Healey.
    Intro and Outro Designed by Dave Healey and Dylan Shropshire. Mixed by Dylan Shropshire.
    Cast Website
    If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and give us a friendly review.

    © Dave Healey 2024

    Support the show

    Captain Flashman Fighting Evil Since 2023

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    17 分

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