Honoring God in our hiring practices seems way easier than honoring God in our firing practices. If the Gospel redeems all things, how can we both hire and fire people to the glory of God? It begins with seeing people the way God sees them.
On this week’s podcast, we talk about hiring and firing employees. People are more than cogs in a wheel or economic transactions to boost our bottom line. All human beings carry God’s Image (Imago Dei), and yet sometimes working relationships have to end. There will never be a warm and fuzzy way to terminate someone’s employment, but when we truly see people and not just transactions, we can love them well even when we have to say goodbye.
This week’s missional moment features Konica Miles, one of our favorite leaders at our sister company, CRF Affordable Housing. Konica has long-managed our housing portfolio’s largest property, overseeing 424 units of multifamily apartments on Indy’s west side. She is both tenacious and loving, bringing her desire to honor God and love her neighbor with her to work each day. You will absolutely love hearing what Konica has to share. I believe it will inspire you in your place of work, too.
You can learn more about CRF Affordable Housing here: https://crf.net
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