
  • 230 - Special K For A Special Boy

    Sometimes if the world is mean to little boys, they can grow up and really lash out.

    Sometimes, if they work really hard they can get themselves some new hair and with enough money a girl will notice them and they can get all coked out and act like shitheads.

    All that CAN happen.

    Thanks for Listening!

    JB & GW

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    1 時間 15 分
  • 229 - A.I. Has Its Own Language Now?

    This is your friendly reminder, from your friends at Can You Confirm That?, to finish watching that show you're half-way through. You made it to season 4 episode 3, give the rest of the season a try.

    Thanks for listening!

    JB & GW

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    1 時間 3 分
  • 228 - John Brown's On Your Side

    We need to make a change and remember, Canadians are known around the world as decent people. I'm not fighting for the work-class, I AM the working class. We are in this, together!

    Thanks for listening... and your vote.

    JB & GW

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    1 時間 3 分
  • 227 - What Happens When We Sleep?

    Do you fall asleep and let the algorithm take over? Is your recommended playlist working for or against you? And, how do you shape up compared to your friends?

    So many questions for our listeners this week..

    Thanks for listening!

    JB & GW

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    1 時間 19 分
  • 226 - Tryna Strike A Chord

    Can we all agree to give Drake a break after the Super Bowl? He's left the continent to avoid the halftime show - no need to have Kendrick perform at the Oscars.

    Thanks for Listening!

    JB & GW

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    1 時間 8 分
  • 225 - Reply With A/S/L

    Y'all remember that being a totally normal question? Ya, you can't ask that to anyone anymore... Thanks Obama.

    Thanks for Listening!

    JB & GW

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    1 時間 18 分
  • 224 - Return Of The Mack

    This has been a big week and we are finally in the Golden Age of this podcast! Expect the best cuz we are the best. The charts have been very mean to us, first they put us in them, then teased we were close but not back. It's rude and unfair and we don't need the charts.

    Thanks for Listening!

    JB & GW

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    1 時間 16 分
  • 223 - We're Selling Vests!

    Get the JB+G vest today! We're so proud of our new, super comfy, rayon vest. We're excited to get these shipped to you in early 2026 but they are available for pre-order today at our website. $49.95 for one or get the pre-order special, $89.95 for 2 plus free shipping.

    Thanks for Shopping!

    JB & GW

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    1 時間 6 分